32. Melt

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Margaery and Loras were at the camps of Renly Baratheon, future hopefully, king of the seven kingdoms. Oleanna of course had a back up plan but she wanted Josie on the throne more than Renly Baratheon. The man fucking her grandson.

There was a joust in honor of the new king and queen Renly Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell.

'Loras! Go high garden!' Margaery declared standing up clapping for her brother. But the opposing knight got her brother on his back.

'I yield.' he said 'I yield.' and the knight stood up, Loras let out an exasperated breath as he pulled himself up. His eyes locked on Renly before Renly turned his attention to the winning knight.

'Well fought, approach.' Renly said and the knight knelt before him. 'rise remove your helmet.' A woman was revealed one of the tallest woman any of them had ever seen. 'Your father promised greatness and more my lady I've never seen ser Loras bested once or twice never in quite that fashion.' Renly applauded.

'No no my love my brother fought valiantly for you.' Margaery encouraged.

'That he did my queen but there can only be one champion,' Renly told her 'Brienne of tarth you might ask anything of me that you desire within my power is yours.' she bowed again before him

'Your Grace I asked the honor of a place in your kings guard. I will be one of your seven pledge my life to yours and keep you safe from all harm.' Brienne told him.

'Done.' Renly agreed 'rise Brienne of the kings guard.' She stepped back only for Catelyn and a squire to step forward.

'Your Grace I have the pleasure to introduce to you Catelyn Stark sent by her son Robb Lord of Winterfell.'

'Lord of Winterfell and King in the north.' Catelyn corrected.

'Pleased to see you. May I present my wife Margaery of house Tyrell.' Renly told her.

'You are very welcome here lady Stark I'm so sorry for your loss.' Margaery told her. 'I had the pleasure of meeting Josie, she spoke so highly of her father.'

'Your most kind.' Catelyn said through gritted teeth.

'My lady I swear to you I will see the Lannister's answer for your husbands murder.' Renly hold her 'when I take Kings Landing I'll bring you Joffrey's his head.' there's a roar of approval.

'It'll be enough to know that justice was done my lord.' catelyn told him

'Your Grace,' Brienne corrected 'and you should kneel when you approach the king.' Renly stood up to approach Catelyn.

'Don't worry the war is just beginning.' he said leading her off


'You are back!" Sansa declared wrapping her arms around Josie.

"I missed you, I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner. I rode as fast as I could.' Josie told her hugging her close.

'I was so worried, I was so alone, I thought maybe you had gone to Robb.' Sansa admitted.

'Never. That never once crossed my mind. Knowing that you were here, here was where I needed to be.' Josie told her. 'I got you something, well Willas Tyrell gave it to me to give to you.' Josie said pulling the flower crown free and putting it on sansa's head. 'A True Queen.' Josie told her, turning Sansa in the mirror to see.

'Flower crowns.'

'I suppose it does not compare to the real crown you will be receiving soon enough.' Josie meant it to be amusing but Sansa broke down in sobs. Josie held her up moving her to the couch to sit. 'What is it love?' She coed brushing sansa's hair from her eyes.

Snow // Willas Tyrell // Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now