Chapter 9

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Damien Thorndyke had just woken up, but there was a problem.  It was three in the morning.  He'd just had what he called his "weekly nightmare."  He finished his water, cursed his PTSD, and was about to try to have a better dream when his phone rang.

"Taylor?  What happened?"

"Look, I hate to call you this late, but I had this awful dream, and I'm so shaken up, it's not funny."

"Do you remember what it was about?"

"I remember it being really dark... I was running through a forest..."

"You were recently stabbed and almost poisoned, you know you're in a bad spot... do you have nightmares more often?"

"Yeah... It's... I haven't had a good night's sleep in three days.... I... I think I need you to come over..."

Damien smiled.  "Could use a cuddle myself... see you in a bit."

When Damien arrived, he held Taylor close, kissing her forehead.

"I'm here," he whispered.

"I was running through a huge forest," she whimpered.  "I was running and it was so dark and I couldn't get away!  I couldn't get away from it!"

"Couldn't get away from what, honey?" Damien cooed.

"I don't know!  But it was chasing me, and I was so tired and cold, and I fell and I woke up as it caught me!"  She buried her head in Damien's chest, starting to cry.

"Shhh...". He stroked her hair comfortingly.  "No one's gonna hurt you."

"I don't wanna be famous anymore.... I just... it hurts, you know?"

Damien gently picked Taylor up, carrying her to her room.  After gently laying her on the bed and covering her up, he smiled.  "I love you," he said softly.

Taylor smiled back.  "Stay with me?"

Damien nodded, getting under the covers and snuggling.

Taylor practically melted.  "I think I'm gonna pass out..."

"Just relax, sweetie..." Damien whispered.  "Just close your eyes..."

She hummed softly.  "I'm writing a song about you... but I haven't gotten far yet."

"Mmm... really?"

Taylor buried her head in Damien's chest and softly started to sing.

"I close my eyes and...". She yawned.  "'re always there... you're al...ways...". She was struggling to stay awake, but was too comfortable to fight sleep.  "You're...". She let out a hum and went limp.

Taylor had fallen asleep.

The next morning, Damien lay awake at eight.

Taylor cuddled into him, humming in her sleep.

Damien smiled, not wanting to wake her up.  He kissed her forehead softly as he stroked Taylor's hair.

Soon, Taylor's eyes fluttered open.  "Mmm...". She smiled.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Damien purred.  "You want breakfast?"

Taylor groaned contentedly.  "I don't wanna get up."

"But we gotta eat sometime."

"But cuddle..."

One of the cats jumped onto the bed with a loud meow.

"Is that a gimme breakfast meow?" Damien cooed.

The cat meowed again, pawing Taylor's back.

"Fine..." Taylor groaned, getting out of bed.

Damien got up soon after, taking his medication and a gulp of water.

By this time, Damien was smelling bacon.  He walked into the kitchen and smiled as he saw Taylor, still in her nightgown, with bedhead,  cooking breakfast.

"I feel so refreshed!  Oh my God!"  She finished cooking and wrapped her arms around Damien's neck.

"I'm sure the food's good, but you'll always be the most delicious one in the room," he said.

They shared a long kiss, and after breakfast, Taylor and Damien were cuddling once more.

"You have no idea," he said as he kissed Taylor's neck, "how hard it is to not brag about this."

"I feel the same way... but I don't wanna make you a target."

"Too late," Damien said with a smirk.

Taylor giggled.  "Tell you what," she said, "your Ranger friends didn't blab about you saving me... so you can tell them we're dating."

Damien chuckled.  "One of 'em is a Swiftie."

"Oh yeah?"


"I wouldn't be upset if three others showed up for dinner."

"I'll let 'em know."  He smiled as Taylor buried her head in his chest and closed her eyes.

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