Chapter 13

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Damien was at Taylor's, talking to her concerned mother.  "Is... is Taylor okay?"

"Something's wrong..." said Andrea.  "She... she won't come out of her room... and she's not talking.  She called me in tears..."

"Can I try?"

"Sure, come in."

Damien sighed as he headed to Taylor's room and knocked on the door.  "Honey...?"

Taylor opened the door and held onto Damien like he was the only real thing in the world.

"Taylor, what happened?" Damien said gently.

They sat on Taylor's bed as her eyes brimmed with tears.

"He..." she said thickly.  "John... hates... me!"

Damien cocked his head.  "John Mayer?  What makes you say that?"

Taylor wiped her tears and sighed.  "He... he came over and... I thought it would be a friendly game of c... catch-up, you know?  But he launched right... into it and said all these hurtful... things, and I..."

"What did he...". He cleared his throat.  "I shouldn't ask."

"He said... he called me all sorts of things!  He said I betrayed him and... and he hopes you... see the truth, and... and I die cold and alone, and..."

"Do we know where he is?"

"He's just pulled into the driveway," said Andrea, who had just walked up.

Damien stood up.  "You might not want to watch this."

He smirked as he stepped on to the porch, greeting John with a kick to the shin.  "Why did you hurt her, John," he deadpanned.

"Look... if you knew the shit I knew about- uhf!"  A gut punch shut him up.

"And if you knew what I knew," Damien shouted, "her last name would be Mayer right now!"  He slammed John to the ground, kicking him mercilessly from his shoulders to his gut.

John tried to get up, but Damien slammed him back down, kicking him squarely in the jaw.  A wet crunch could be heard.

It was broken.

"Nobody," Damien said menacingly as John stood up, "treats Taylor... like anything less... than a goddamn queen, John.  God Himself... is afraid to hurt Taylor... because of what I'll do to Him."John started to run, but Damien drew the Beretta he always carried from under his jacket.

He squeezed the trigger, hitting John in his Achilles' tendon.

"Don't fucking run away from me!!" Damien yelled.

Taylor, hearing the shot ring out, ran outside.

"You killed him, didn't you?" she gasped.

"Taylor..." John groaned just before passing out.  "I'm... sorry..."

"He'll live," said Damien as an ambulance, called by Andrea, pulled up.

Taylor sighed as she kissed him.  "You're crazy," she breathed, smiling weakly.

"He's probably gonna join the damn pilg-"

"No pilgrims," said Taylor softly, cuddling into him.  "Just hold me..."

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