Chapter 19

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Taylor jumped back as she gasped, tears filling her eyes as she stared at the ring in disbelief.  This was it... she would never be alone again.  She would never feel heartbreak... never feel pain again.  The ring was amazing!  Its band was gold, outlined with silver, with their names in white gold.  The setting was in the shape of an open rose, the petals of which were bedazzled with Damien and Taylor's birthstones, tanzanites for December and emeralds for May.  The diamond... oh God the diamond was enormous!  The crowd had been dead silent since the proposal, waiting in eager expectation for Taylor to end the years of heartache and rejection with one word.  That word came as half a sob and half a scream as Taylor shakily extended her left hand.


The crowd erupted into a cheer that almost tore the dome off of the stadium as Damien slipped the ring onto Taylor's hand.  Backstage, Andrea was crying.  Karlie could only scream "What?!  What?!  What?!" over and over as she grinned widely, jumping up and down.

Two Swifties with backstage passes held each other and sobbed with joy.

"Oh my God!" one was wailing happily.  "Yes, yes, yes!"

Damien and a trembling, wobbling Taylor, who was crying with joy, sat down in her dressing room.  Andrea entered a few moments later with Karlie.

"Oh my God, yes!" Karlie squealed.  "Show us the ring; you must!"

She splayed her fingers and smiled as she dried her tears.

"It's beautiful!!" Andrea gasped.

Taylor took a few minutes to post the news and a picture of the ring to her social media pages.

"Oh Taylor!" Andrea cried, squeezing her daughter tightly.

After the show was over, Damien and Taylor headed to the airport.  The plan was to fly home to Rhode Island right after the concert, in case the Pilgrims decided to try anything.  They waited in a small private terminal, passing a bottle of wine back and forth.

"So I'm gonna change my last name," said Taylor.  " I'm still gonna use Taylor Swift as a stage name, but legally, I'll be Taylor Thorndyke."

"Sounds like a plan," Damien replied.  "God I bet the Pilgrims are roll..."


Taylor gasped as she watched a hangar become engulfed in flames.  "The jet was in there!" She almost screamed, picking up her phone as it vibrated.

"H- hello...?"  A pause.  "Oh thank God, my pilot's okay!"

"Thank God is right..."

"He was having coffee in another terminal; he just saw the fire!"

Damien sighed.  "There goes our ride," he muttered.  "Well, Tay..." he said more audibly, "Hope you're comfy flying commercial."

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