Chapter 18

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It was now almost Thanksgiving.  Taylor and Damien's families had decided to spend the upcoming holiday together, and Damien was especially excited.  Turkey and stuffing?  Yes please!  He walked into the concert hall, a temporarily repurposed domed baseball stadium, hand in hand with Taylor.

"I've got something I wanna give you on stage," he said as he kissed her forehead.

"Mmm... can it wait until the end?"


Taylor smiled.  "Good."

"It's gonna piss the remaining Pilgrims off."

Taylor grinned.  "Even better," she said darkly.

The concert had gone wonderfully... at least, Damien though so.  He was  backstage after the duet between himself and Taylor, just behind the curtain.  He smiled as Taylor finished her last song.

"And now," she said, "my boyfriend Damien Thorndyke has a present for me, he says."

Damien smiled as he was handed a headset, putting it on and getting on stage.

"This thing working?  Good."  He smiled.  "Taylor, it's actually something for us both."  He stepped a bit closer. 

"We've been dating for a while now, and you know what I think already, but I'm gonna reiterate.  You're the most special, amazing person I've ever met.  Everyone here knows how I didn't date for years after what happened with Megan... but that changed when I got to know you.  I love you, sweetheart."

The audience let out a collective "Awww..."

"When I look at you, I don't just see Taylor Swift.  I see the woman I love.  I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up, and the last thing I see before I fall asleep.  I want you to be the mother of my children.  I wanna sit on the porch swing with you when we're a hundred years old and look back at moments like this."

"D... Damien...". Tears came to her eyes as she blushed.  Suddenly, her mouth fell open; she covered it in surprise as Damien pulled a small box out of his pocket, opening it.  He fell to one knee and smiled gently as he said what Taylor had thought she'd never hear from any man.

"Taylor Alison Swift," he said, looking into her eyes... "Will you marry me?"

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