Good Impressions and Silly Bets

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Tina slowly opened her eyes, savoring the last few minutes of the dream she was having, before she had to get up for school. She didn't remember all of it, but it involved Jimmy Jr. and butts. And a cute brunnette boy that she couldn't quite remember. Stretching her legs out after a long night of twitching, she stood up and made her way to her closet. There were only two weeks left until the end of 8th grade and she was gonna make the most of it. Looking through her clothes carefully, she selected a light blue tunic style dress with 3/4 sleeves. Undressing and slipping it on, she grabbed a few items off her desk. Laying them on her bed, she slipped the purple barette in her hair, then clipped on the purple choker necklace. It was adorned with the tiniest silver horse pendant. It had been a gift from someone, but she couldn't remember who. Next were her trusty converse and knee socks, although the stripes on these were dark blue, rather than red. Checking herself in the mirror, she smiled. Fun, flirty, and fabulous. Feeling confident she headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Everyone was already at the table when she sat down. "Oh look at you, my teeny Tina, You look beautiful!" her mom, Linda exclaimed excitedly, "Doesn't she look beautiful, Bobby?" "You look very nice Tina" her dad smiled at her calmly. "Yeah T. You look fabulous" Gene sassy snapped, "So, uh, what's the occasion?" Louise asked, one eyebrow raised. "It's my last two weeks at Wagstaff, I want to make an impression" Tina shrugged and continued eating her breakfast. "Alright kids, hurry up or you're gonna be late!" Linda said, trying to shoo them towards the door. "Alright geeze, keep your hair on " Louise grabbed her toast, her siblings following behind her.


Tina pushed through the school doors confidently, making her way to her locker. As she got closer she saw Jimmy Jr. and Zeke next to Jimmy Jr.'s locker. "Hey Jimmy Jr." she said sweetly, "Hey Zeke." "Oh hey Tina" Jimmy Jr. didn't even look up from where he was shoving his books in his locker. "Dang T. bird, looking good girl" Zeke looked her up and down, his eyes stopping momentarily on her necklace. A small smile flitted across his face. "Thanks Zeke," Tina sighed dejectedly, still looking at Jimmy Jr. "Well later Tina, we gotta get to class." Jimmy Jr. turned, still not looking at her, and started walking down the hall. Zeke gave her  a small apologetic smile, then turned and followed his friend. Tina slumped to her locker, and grabbed her books. Still feeling dejected she walked slowly to class and slid into her seat with a heavy sigh. The rest of her classes passed in a blur until lunch. She walked mindlessly through the line, grabbing a tray and trudging over to where Gene and Louise were sitting. She sat down and laid her head on the table, letting out a long sad groan. "What's wrong T?" Gene asked, concerned. "Probably some puberty thing" Louise rolled her eyes, but inside was ready to pummel whoever hurt her sister. "I-said-hi-to-JimmyJr.- and-he-didn't-even-look-up-or- notice-me-or-anything" Tina said all in one breath, her head still on the table. Louise rolled her eyes, while Gene patted Tina's shoulder sympathetically. "Geeze Tina, haven't you realized you're too good for him" Louise grumbled. "Preach Sister" Gene added. "Wh-What?" Tina lifted her head to look at her sister. "Look, I'm not good at all this mushy stuff" Louise groaned, "But It's true, you're way too good for Jimmy Jr.. He's a Jerk!" "Yeah T" Gene said, still patting her shoulder. "You're like the nicest person ever. You don't need Jimmy Jr." Letting out a long sigh, Tina sat up straight. "You guys are right!" she said with renewed determination. "I'm still going to make the best of my last two weeks at Wagstaff, with or without Jimmy Jr.!" "That's the spirit T." Gene held up his hand for a high five. Gently slapping her hand to Gene's, Tina noticed Tammy and Jocelyn headed to their table. "Hey Tina" Tammy said excitedly, sliding onto the bench next to her. "Have you heard the latest? Apparently Lenny DeStefano and Jimmy Jr. have a bet going to see who can get the most girls to kiss them by the end of the year!" Tammy's eyes were gleaming with excitement, as she waited to see Tina's reaction. "That's nice Tammy." Tina pretended to be uninterested, keeping her eyes on her food. "Ugh don't be such a boob punch Tina. Come on Jocelyn" Tammy flipped her hair and flounced off. "Interesting" Tina said quietly, a small smile starting to form. "Ugh sick, more puberty stuff. C'mon Gene, let's go." Louise grabbed her tray. "See you later T." Gene followed after Louise. Tina finished her lunch, still thinking about what Tammy had told her. Tina's smile widened. Now I have the upper hand. She grabbed her tray, dumped it, and hurried out of the cafeteria. On her way to class she almost walked straight into Jimmy Jr.. Perfect. "Oh hey Tina" Jimmy Jr. smiled. "Oh hi Jimmy Jr." Tina said nonchalantly, looking at her books. Two can play this game. "So Tina, Lenny and I made a bet to see who can kiss the most girls by the end of the year" Jimmy Jr. leaned closer. "Hmm I heard." Tina kept her eyes on her books, refusing to look at him. "So, I can count on you right, for a kiss?" Jimmy Jr. said, winking at her. "Well I don't know Jimmy Jr.," Tina finally looked up at him, "I'll have to think about it." Tina turned away and started walking back to class, a smug smile on her face, leaving Jimmy Jr. standing in the hall looking dumbfounded.


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