A Walk on the Beach

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Zeke followed Jimmy Jr. down the hall, on their way to class, discreetly looking around for Tina. He couldn't stop thinking about their time at the Wharf yesterday. Smiling to himself, he almost ran into Jimmy Jr, who had stopped in front of Tina's locker. "Hey J-Ju, whatcha doin'?" Zeke eyed him suspiciously. "Waiting for Tina. I couldn't find her yesterday." Jimmy Jr. craned his neck and continued scanning the crowded hall for Tina. Zeke scowled to himself. "You know J-Ju, maybe you should give up on this. Maybe Tina isn't interested in this whole thing."  "It's Tina, Zeke, of course she's interested." Jimmy Jr. scoffed. "She's probably just playing hard to get. She's crazy about me." Jimmy Jr. bragged. "I wouldn't be so sure about that Jimmy Jr." They both spun around to see Tina standing there with a sour look on her face. "Oh hey Tina." Jimmy Jr. said smoothly. "Save it Jimmy Jr." Tina marched past Jimmy Jr. and stood next to Zeke. "Hey T-Bird." He said quietly, staring at the ground. "Zeke," Tina acknowledged,
"wanna walk to class with me?" He looked at her skeptically. "Uh sure, Tina. Bye J-Ju." Zeke waved at Jimmy Jr., who just stood there, slack jawed. As they walked to class Zeke looked at Tina carefully. "Hey, you aren't walking with me just to make J-Ju mad, are you?"  "What?! No!" She looked upset. "Oh shoot girl, I'm sorry. Forget I said anything." Zeke covered his face, feeling stupid, "No, Zeke, I get it." Tina sighed, "I haven't exactly been fair to you in the past. I just thought after yesterday, I should give you a chance." She shrugged, face slightly pink. Zeke froze in place, heart thumping in his chest, a smile spreading across his face, "Well, okay then." They continued walking to class, both smiling.


Zeke sat in class, in his usual seat next to Jimmy Jr.. They were both silent, not looking at each other. Jimmy Jr finally looked over at Zeke, "So what's up with you and Tina?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. Zeke groaned, and leaned back in his seat. "Nothin's going on J-Ju. I think you really hurt her feelings. though." Jimmy Jr sighed and rolled his eyes, "It's Tina, she'll get over it, she always does." Zeke closed his eyes and sighed in frustration. "I wouldn't be so sure J-Ju."  "Whatever, let's just drop it." Jimmy Jr. said irritably. "Sure J-Ju, whatever you say." Zeke chuckled, and went back to looking at the front of the room. He saw Tina sitting next to Susmita, their heads leaned together, talking quietly. He zoned out, staring at her hair. I bet it's soft. He discovered yesterday, when he hugged her, that it smelled like apples. He smiled and leaned his head in his hand. He watched Tina and Susmita groan about something, then giggle. They both sat up straight and went back to focusing on their class work. Zeke couldn't focus on his work. He was too busy thinking about yesterday. It was the most time they'd ever spent together alone. He almost thought he'd blown it when he hugged her after walking her home. But earlier proved he'd worried for nothing. Get it together Zeke. He didn't want to mess it up, so he planned on taking it slow. He wanted to show her he could be her friend first. Maybe they could hang out again after school. Maybe I'll take her for a walk on the beach. He smiled to himself, knowing the romantic in her would love that, even if it was just a friendly invitation. Feeling confident about his idea, he went back to staring at Tina's hair.


After the last bell rang, Zeke strolled down the hall looking for Tina. Somehow he'd managed to avoid Jimmy Jr.. Ugh I'll deal with J-Ju later. Spotting Tina by her locker talking to Gene and Louise, he made his way over to her. "Hey T-Bird. Gene, Louise" He nodded at them. "Hey Zeke." Tina smiled at  him, while Gene and Louise looked at her like she'd lost her mind. "Hey uh, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang
at the beach with me?" Zeke asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I'd love to Zeke." Tina smiled, then she groaned."Ughh but I have to help out at home."  Zeke heard someone clear their throat loudly. "You know, we could.. pshh.. always cover for you for, let's say.. uh I don't know.....the low low price of…the rest of your easter candy." Louise eyed her sister shrewdly, eyes gleaming, waiting for an answer. "Deal," Tina said without hesitation, "Tell Mom and Dad?"  "Sure, sure." Louise waved her hand distractedly as her and Gene walked away. Zeke grinned at her, "Okay T-Bird lets go." Tina smiled, following him down the hall.

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