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Tina woke the next morning, slightly frustrated. She'd had the same dream last night, the cute brunette still blurry and out of reach. Ughhh. Rubbing her eyes she began digging through her closet for today's outfit. A small part of her just wanted to put on the same thing she always wore. You've got this. You're a strong sensual woman. Reassuring herself, she pulled out a light blue short-sleeve babydoll top and a pair of skinny jeans. Moving to her desk, she selected her barrettes (one pink, one yellow) and a handful of purple, pink, yellow, and blue jelly bracelets. Perusing her small necklace selection, she again felt drawn towards the choker with the horse pendant. Why can't I remember where I got it. Pushing that thought aside for later, she grabbed the jewelry and clothes, dressing quickly. Grabbing her backpack she headed to the kitchen. Finishing breakfast quickly, Tina and her siblings headed to school.

When they pushed through the front doors, they were met with the sound of voices clamoring to be heard over one another

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When they pushed through the front doors, they were met with the sound of voices clamoring to be heard over one another. As they walked to their lockers, all the Belcher Kids heard were people talking about the stupid bet. Tina stopped at her locker, waving goodbye to Gene and Louise, as they continued down the hall. Shoving her books in her locker, she closed it, only to see Jimmy Jr., Zeke, and Darryl standing next to her. Jerking slightly, she put her hand on her chest, and let out a deep breath. "Darryl, Zeke, Jimmy Jr." she said evenly, nodding at them all, "what's up?" Jimmy Jr. moved closer to her. "Tina, you look nice." He said, in what he hoped was a sultry voice. Zeke rolled his eyes behind Jimmy Jr., But Tina didn't notice. "So Tina" Jimmy Jr. continued, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Yes," Jimmy Jr. ?" Tina pretended to inspect her fingernails, seeming bored. Darryl shifted behind them all, clearly uncomfortable. "I thought maybe we could sit together at lunch?" Jimmy Jr. wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Sorry Jimmy Jr., I promised to sit with Gene and Louise. Just us." She added for clarification. Zeke ducked his head, trying not to laugh. "Well maybe I can walk you home" Jimmy Jr. persisted. "Well I certainly can't stop you, If you choose to walk the same direction as me." Tina shrugged his hand off her shoulder. "Well see you after school then. C'mon Zeke." Jimmy Jr. and Zeke disappeared down the hall. "You know he's just being nice to you because of the Kiss Game right?" Darryl looked at Tina, eyebrow raised. "Kiss Game? Is that what they're calling it?" Tina felt herself actually starting to get a little mad."Yep. Pretty dumb if you ask me." Darryl rolled his eyes. "How did you get involved in all this?" Tina asked, genuinely curious. "I got volunteered to keep track as an impartial 3rd party" Darryl sighed, showing her a notebook. "The winner will be announced at the end of year 8th grade graduation party." Tina eyed the notebook, interested, before looking back at Darryl. "Any chance I can take a peak at that?" She asked eyeing the notebook again. "Sorry Tina, strictly confidential until the party." He grinned sheepishly at her. "Oh well," she shrugged, "Worth a shot." "Well I gotta get to class. See you later Tina" Darryl headed off towards the classroom. Lost in thought, Tina stood there for a few seconds, then followed after him.

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