Vampire Disco Death Dance

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Tina woke with a groan of pain when her foot kicked her headboard. Somehow she had managed to get herself completely turned around in bed. Sighing, she threw her blankets off and got up. Once again she'd had that stupid dream, only this time Jimmy Jr. had been a vampire. She still couldn't see the brunette's face. Ugh or his butt. She snatched her glasses off her nightstand and shoved them on her face, still slightly frustrated.
Shoving the stupid dream to the back of her mind, she proceeded to dig through her closet for todays outfit.  She grabbed two tops, a tight black one and a flowy blue one, then selected a pair of boyfriend jeans from her dresser. When she was done dressing she clipped on her purple horse choker and yanked on her converse, before grabbing her backpack and heading to the kitchen.

Sitting at the table she saw Louise looking at her slyly

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Sitting at the table she saw Louise looking at her slyly.
"So how was your date?"
Tina groaned, feeling her face heat up. "It-wasn't-a-date-we-were-
just-hanging-out!" Tina exclaimed, just as her mom was saying, "A date?! Oooh who was it? Was it Jimmy Jr.?"
Tina smacked her head on the table, face down, groaning. Louise laughed gleefully. "No, It was Zeke."
"Wait, you like Zeke now?"
Tina looked up to see her mom looking quizzically at her. "I'm so out of the loop."
Tina leaned back against her chair and sighed. "It was NOT a date, and we're just friends. Now can we stop talking about this." Tina quickly stuffed her toast in her mouth, ignoring everyone's eyes on her. Finishing her breakfast, she grabbed her backpack and headed downstairs, leaving Gene and Louise to scramble to catch up.

They walked to school in silence. Well mostly. Louise kept trying to apologize in her own backhanded Louise way. Tina ignored her until they were standing in front of the school. "It's fine Louise, just drop it, okay?" Louise nodded, "Sure Tina." They walked through the doors, Gene and Louise each heading off to their class.

Tina continued on to her locker, spotting Zeke and Jimmy Jr. standing next to it. "Hey guys, what's up?" Tina shoved her bag in her locker, keeping out the books she'd need. "Hey girl, I thought I'd walk you to class. J-Ju here was keeping me company while I waited for you." Zeke smiled at her and winked. Tina noticed Jimmy Jr. was looking anywhere but at her. "Sure Zeke, let's go." Taking pity on Jimmy Jr. she turned back to look at him. "You can walk with us Jimmy Jr."
He looked up, surprised. "Gee, thanks Tina." She shrugged and smiled at him, before turning her attention back to Zeke. "You wanna sit together at lunch?"
"Sure, T-bird, I have something I wanted to ask you anyway."
She looked at him curiously, but he just smiled at her. "Later."


The classes before lunch seemed to drag by unbearably slow, at least that's what it felt like to Tina. She groaned internally while she watched the last five minutes before the lunch bell tick by. After what seemed like an eternity, the bell finally rang. She jumped up from her seat, racing for the door. She hurried to her locker, hastily shoving her books in and closing the door, as she scanned the crowd for her siblings and Zeke. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Damn, girl, where's the fire?" She spun around to find Zeke chuckling at her. She blushed, shrugging her shoulders awkwardly. He smiled and shook his head, as she continued looking around for Gene and Louise. Spotting a familiar pair of pink bunny ears, she stood on her tiptoes and waved to her sister to catch her attention. Louise waved back and headed towards Tina, Gene following behind her, his friend Alex in tow.
"Hey, Tina, Zeke." Louise greeted them, then headed towards the cafeteria, taking the lead.
As they passed his locker, Jimmy Jr. joined them. "Can I sit with you guys today?" He asked hesitantly. Tina smiled at him. "Sure Jimmy Jr."
He smiled back and they all made their way into the cafeteria.

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