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This chapter is pure smut and too kinky. If it's not your cuppa, I suggest you skipppp~~
Happy reading!

Last night was a whirlwind of emotions for both Louisa and Harriet.

They were almost sure that it was all a dream as soon as they opened their eyes, but Louisa's hand was on Harriet's upper back inside her tee, that is something they've never done before so maybe it wasn't a dream afterall.

Louisa had told her how Harriet was her gay revelation after she had calmed down.
Harriet didn't believe her at first, thinking Louisa was just doing it for her sake and then would let her down gently when Harriet was a little more stable. So it took a lot of convincing, a lot more kissies and even more talking to make little Haz understand that Louisa loved her since before she even knew she was bi.

Harriet had told her that she didn't like girls, just Louisa and Louisa had affirmed that she didn't give two flying fucks. The only thing that mattered was that they loved each other.

The slow stroking of the thumb on the back tells Harriet that Louisa is awake.

"Mornin'." She greets from where her face is tucked, almost between Louisa's boobs, more of a comfort thing than sexual. Her boobs aren't very sensitive anyways.

"G'mornin' baby." And a kiss is pressed in her curls, making her smile. She lazily gives a sweet small kiss back to Louisa's skin.

Sadly, it isn't Saturday and Louisa has an exam that cannot be missed. Harriet internally groans at the fact that they have to get up.

"Hazza?" Louisa whispers into her hair, giggling because it seems silly that she's whispering.

Harriet looks up at her, finding her with a small v-smile on her face. In her honest opinion, Louisa look like a chipmunk. But she's her chipmunk and she will NOT share.

Fingers lovingly brush her wild curls out of her face and Louisa kisses her sweetly, like a morning kiss between a happy, long-settled couple would be.

They can be counted as one if they think about it.

Before this, Harriet had known butterflies are real, she's felt them before. But she didn't know those butterflies could make her feel like flying along with them.
She knows, she'd be the happiest with Louisa.

Harriet's lips chase after Louisa's once she pulls back, opting to suck on her neck when Louisa doesn't comply.

She didn't expect to hear Lou moan for the first time.

She really wants to take her there and then, she wants all her Lou's moans, and she would, had Louisa not pried her off.

"Haz, baby, it's Friday, let's get over with the sodding classes, then I'm all yours. I promise." Louisa swipes her bottom lip that's shiny with spit and pecks her lips once again before getting up.

"You alright, Lou?" Vicky asks her. She's never the one to be daydreaming.

"Hm?" She turns to look at him, registers the question and nods. "I'm better than alright."

"You're daydreaming." He deadpans. Now, everyone knows, literally the whole school knows of Louisa as a model student. Harriet has seen it first hand, doesn't matter if it's math or sex ed.

And so, Louisa hardly ever daydreams in class.

A little tint of pink spreads around her cheeks, she really has been out since the only person she can think about is her Haz.
How she's got the most beautiful, bravest, kindest hearted girl, and how she still can't believe that Harriet loves HER back.
How her plump lips feel against Louisa's thin ones and how she gropes Louisa-

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