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The bellow breaks her reverie, she had been dreaming of Louisa, ofcourse Louisa, who else? She gulps and stands up, facing Ms. Fancher.

"Perhaps you can tell us the answer to this problem because you seemed to have already solved it." One brow raised, arms folded over her chest, the woman stares at Harriet when there is no answer.

"Pay attention to the lesson, young lady."

Harriet grimaces and nods, quickly taking her seat once again. Sighing, she focuses on the jumbled mess of letters written on the board. Honestly, who the fuck even thought of bringing letters into math? And that too not only from the English alphabet but Greek, Roman yadda yadda. She thinks of rubbing her eyes but stops just in time. Louisa had put eyeliner on her eyes today morning. By no means is Louisa good or even decent at makeup, but she's learning and baby Haz is her practice model.

"H!" There is a whisper from her right. Kyle.

Internally rolling her eyes, Harriet gives a little nod for him to continue.

"You'll come to the party tonight?"

She turns to him confused, "What party?"

He stares at her for a few seconds. "The one for dean's farewell, what else?"

Oh. She shrugs, going back to solving that motherfuck of a question. "I'll see."

There is a sound of disappointment. "Why? Are you doing something else? Or rather... someone?"

Taking a deep breath, Harriet calms herself. She hasn't liked this guy since she first met him, which is a lot of time to judge someone's character. It isn't the first time he's tried to talk nonsense to her. And she wouldn't mind, really. It's okay, completely fine if it's once or twice or even five times, but again and again is irritating. She has made it clear she has no interest in him, and she would make conversation with him if she was enjoying it. She certainly does not. So he should be polite, back off and let her be in peace. But no.

"You know, you've been single for an awfully long time now." She just wishes he would shut up before she smacks him across his annoying face. "I wonder why it is so sudden, you've always jumped from one guy to another..." FOUR GUYS! She has dated FOUR FUCKING GUYS out of which only ONE was serious. He has no fucking right to say that she jumps from one guy to another. She doesn't. "-and even now, your hickeys tell me that you're dating someone. Why hide, Harriet?"

Gathering her voice, she hisses, "It's none of your fucking business, Kyle." And goes straight to ignoring him for the rest of the class.

Just as the bell rings, Harriet shoulders the strap of her bag and picks her books- folded open- and darts for the door. She wants Lou. She needs Lou to just hold her while she sorts herself out.

It's extremely annoying that Louisa and her can't share classes anymore because Lou is taking all level-A classes, while Harriet doesn't want to.

A hand on her wrist holds her back though. Her other hand- the one holding books- is ready to hit whoever it is, the book is thick enough to give anyone a good blow. Her blood is already boiling with anger and frustration, she is not in the mood of making small talk with anyone right now.

"What's the rush, H?"

She shuts her eyes close, not wanting the tears fall. Being frustrated always does make her cry. It's mainly because she feels helpless.

Lucky Ones [L.S.]Where stories live. Discover now