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"Mr. Rengoku.. *sniff, sniff* Rengoku." you heard an agonizing, soft cry coming from the closed door In front of you.

The one you're supposed to enter.

You took a deep breath before cracking the door open a bit, peeking inside. You saw three boys, each in their own separate beds, supposedly asleep, except for one.

You knew going into this that there would be some people who needed physical and emotional healing and while you couldn't heal emotional scars, you knew you'd try to be there for the people who needed it the most. People like the boy you have to introduce yourself to.

You took another shaky, deep breath before knocking and opening the door even more.

One of the boys looks up at you - the one who was crying - as the other two started waking up. 

You step in the room as you clear you shakily clear your throat.

"Hello everyone, I'm (Y/n)." you say as you bow. "I- I'm going to be taking care of you three from now on in place of miss Aoi. I hope to nurse you back to health and form great, long lasting friendships." you finish before finally standing straight again.

It was silent for a moment before a loud sound erupted.

"WAHH!!!! YOU'RE SO HOT AND YOU SMELL SO GOOD, IT'S INTOXICATING!!!!" a boy in yellow erupted as he thrashed around in bed like something possessed.

You blushed, hard, as you turned your head. "Th- thank you very much, you're t- too kind."

"Anything for a hottie like you." the boy said smoothly, finally calming down.

You smiled, finally turning your head back to the three boys, your pretty pigtails with blue tips, swaying.
"How about we introduce ourselves? As you know, my name is (Y/n)! I'm 16, my favorite color is (f/c), and I was recently scouted by Miss. Shinobou to live here and help take care of the sick and wounded. Well, I guess you could tell since I have (f/c) butterfly clips in my hair, huh?!" you say as you rub the back of your neck and look away. "Oh!" you say, holding your pointer finger up as you began to remember something. "My hair! The tips are blue! My mother used to tell me that, that meant I was a refreshing safe haven for people in need - a sanctuary."

The three boys were in awe as you spoke as your uniform - a blue, demon slayer like uniform with a white button up dress on top - really hugged your breasts and showed off your hips. 

"But enough about myself, I really want to hear from you all! I'm excited to work with you!" you said, giving a huge, close eyed smile, making the three smle as well. "Let's start with you on my left with the yellow hair!"

The boy lit up! "I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma but you can call me.. the man of your dreams!" he said with a smug look.

"Okay Zenitsu, what's your breathing style?"

"Thunder breathing!!" he exclaimed. "I only know one technique right now but it's pretty affective."

"ONLY WHEN YOU'RE ASLEEP THOUGH!!!" you heard a boy with a boar head say.

"Oh wow, is that true Zenitsu?!" you ask excitedly.

"Well yea.." he says with a smirk.

"That's so cool!" you say as you raised your fist in the air. "Oh and thank you Mr...?" you said waiting for the boar head to respond.

"Lord Inosuke Hashibira! I use beast breathing and I'm super flexible! I'm also a duel wielder!" the boy said, puffing out his chest.

"Whoa, that's amazing Inosuke!! I'd love to see you in action!" you reply.

"Also, I'm pretty handsome aren't I?!" Inosuke says before pulling off his boar head.

You immediately run up to him, "You're gorgeous Inosuke! I could've mistaken you for a beautiful woman at first glance." you say as you touch the supple skin of his face.

"Usually that would piss me off but coming from you, it's not so bad." he huffed.

"Aww, well thank you, Inosuke."you smile.

Leaving Inosuke's side, you stand beside the third boy.

"Hi! As you know, I'm (Y/n). How about yourself?" you smile, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.

His eyes welled with tears as soon as he opened his mouth. "I- I'm Tanj-"

"That's Tanjiro. He's not feeling too well so you may not get much out of him right now." Zenitsu cut him off.

You look at the boy with sad eyes. "Oh, alright then." you say disappointedly.

"P- please excuse me." Tanjiro says as he gets out of bed and walks out of the room.

Zenitsu and Inosuke look at each other.

"He hasn't been the same since Mr. Rengoku's passing at the hands of an upper rank demon a couple days ago." Zenitsu says.

"Yea, bug eyes' death hit us hard but it really hurt poor Manjiro." Inosuke continued.

You teared up. " Oh, I see. That's devastating. I send my condolences to you all."

"There's one thing you should know, Miss. (Y/n)." Tanjiro said sadly as he walked back into the room. "My sister.. she's.. she's a demon." he finished as he walked back to his bed, tears forming once again.

"O- okay.. I think I've heard about something like this from Miss. Shinobou." you say, not really shocked.

"She's a good girl. She's in her box right now but she fights with us. She.." the tears started to fall. "She fought alongside us on the Mugen train and.. and Mr. Rengoku said he.. acknowledged her as a demon slayer."

You couldn't help but shed a tear the way Tanjiro was crying right in front of you.

Tanjiro crawled into his bed and covered his head with his blanket as he cried.

"May I?" you asked as you touched his shoulder.

He didn't respond so you did it anyway.

As Tanjiro shifted in his bed, you layed beside him and wrapped your arms around him from behind; hugging him.

Tanjiro's eyes dried up as he took the blacket off of his head and looked at you.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Tanjiro but I'm so happy the late Mr. Rengoku acknowledged your sister." you squeezed him a bit tighter, a tear nearly falling from your eyes as well. Tanjiro shifted to wipe it away as he hugged you back.

"Me too."

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