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Your eyes flickered lightly as you got adjusted to the light outside.

"Morning already?" you thought, yawning and stretching out.

It's still somewhat early as the sun hasn't risen too far.

You neatly made your bed before getting yourself ready for the day. Afterwards, analyzing each boy's injuries and creating a medicine for them. Since the injuries weren't life threatening - excluding Tanjiro's stab wound - they were fine.

"Maybe some ginger and bromelain for pain, Aloe for healing wounds, and rosemary to build up their strength." you thought, finally knowing what you need to make their medicine.

After confirming what you need for their medicine, you head to the herb room to pick out everything you need. You find it and immediately start to pestle the herbs to put them into a tea, afterwards picking a piece of an aloe plant to extract the gel inside.

Once you finish grinding the herbs you go to the kitchen and put on some tea, slipping the herbs in once it starts to boil. As you do that, you start breakfast - something simple; rice with grilled salmon and soy sauce. You wanted today to be how yesterday should've been: perfectly normal.

Once the rice was done and the salmon was cooking, you heard a thud. Naturally, you checked it out being curious and all.

You peak your head around the corner just enough for you to see and of course you see none other than Tanjiro, sneaking out of his room. You refrain from making any noise as you follow Tanjiro outside.

"What is he doing?!" you think to yourself, watching him.

"Please watch over me and guide me as I train." Tanjiro said a prayer before dropping to the ground.

You nearly blew your cover as you started to run to Tanjiro, but halted. He was completely fine and even.. doing push-ups?!

Tanjiro grunted and winced in pain as he did push-ups, so he switched to situps. Naturally, situps were an even worse option for him so after just one try, he stopped.

"Forgive me, Mr Rengoku. I'm not well enough yet." he sighed.

You were just about to reveal yourself when Tanjiro suddenly got up and found a thick tree branch, picking it up and positioning himself in a fighting stance.

"Is he trying to-" your thought was cut off as Tanjiro swung the branch, trying to mimic his strikes with his katana before falling to the ground in agony.

You had enough and ran to Tanjiro's aid. "Tanjiro! Are you alright?!" you fall to your knees as you examine him. He curls himself into a ball and groans for a minute as you look worriedly at him.

"It's your stab wound, isn't it?!" you ask, trying to roll him over a little to examine it.

He hums to confirm your question and you finally get him on his back to examine it.

Your eyes widen, "It's open again!" you announce, running for your first aid kit after telling Tanjiro to apply pressure to the wound.

While inside you grab more bandages, water, the piece of aloe you plucked, and some left over ginger.

"Tanjiro, are you awake?! Stay awake, okay?!" you yell as you run back to him in efforts to keep him awake. The wound was bleeding so much through the bandage he already had that you could practically see the entire woun through it.

"Mhmm.." Tanjiro hummed groggily.

You knew you had to move fast before he lost consciousness.

"Take this." you said, lifting Tanjiro's head to slide the leftover ginger in his mouth.

His eyes squeezed shut as his brows furrowed. "Wh- what was that?" Tanjiro flickered his eyes open.

"Left over ginger I grinded up. It helps relieve pain." you say as you start to unwrap his bandage. "I'm gonna remove your bandage from yesterday but it may hurt because some blood may have dried already, making it stick to your skin. "

He nods, regretting ever coming out this morning.

"I'm just gonna lift you up a bit, okay?" you inform the boy. Tanjiro was laying on the other side of the bandage so you had to lift him up to finish unwrapping it.

"Okay." he winced a bit as you placed him on your lap, supporting him with one arm and unwrapping the bandage with the other.

If he weren't in so much pain he might've liked it as your chest was pressed to his back.

"Are you doing alright, Tanjiro?!" you grunted.

"Y- yes." he replied.

"Okay, I finally got it off!!" you exclaimed, laying Tanjiro down. "I'm gonna rinse it out, okay? After that I'll patch you back up."

"Okay. Thank you so much, Miss (Y/n)." Tanjiro thanked you.

"Don't thank me, just be more careful. If I wasn't out here you could've been in some serious trouble. You deserve a scolding!" you huffed, angry with the choices Tanjiro made. "I followed you out here to see what you were doing and this happens! Tanjiro, why are you trying to train right now?!" you scold.

"I- I'm sorry." he sighed. "I just.. felt like I had to make myself. I need to work harder and push past my limitations. Mr. Rengoku would do the same thing." he explains.

You want to give him a small snack for that but he was too adorable.
"Tanjiro, you just got here yesterday!! Both me and the late Rengoku told you how dangerous this wound can be if it opens! Rengoku could push past his limitations because he was a harshira! He trained for years and years! You have a very dangerous wound that I've been telling you not to open and you go out and train early in the morning so no one can stop you?! That is so selfish of you! What would Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, or I do if you died?!" you ranted angrily as you applied some aloe gel just outside of his wound.

Tanjiro's eyes were wide, never thinking about the consequence of disobeying your orders. "Y- you too?! You care that much?!"

You huffed and you started wrapping a new bandage around his torso. "Of course I do! Knowing how much you're going through right now, I can't help it." you position Tanjiro back on your lap as you wrap the new bandage around him. "All done!" you chant, laying Tanjiro back down on the ground.

"Thank you so much, but I- I don't think I can walk right now." Tanjiro reveals.

"No worries, I'll carry you on one condition: you actually listen and don't push yourself, especially recovering from an injury like this."

"I promise, I will! I'm usually compliant.. I just felt like I had to come out here.. for him." he explains.

"I understand. You'll be training soon enough so don't rush it." you smile.

Tanjiro smiles back before sniffing the air, "Do you smell that?" he asks.

Just then you remember it..

"The fish!!!!" you exclaim, scrambling to get inside. You squat in front of Tanjiro for him to get on. "Hop on! There's no time to drop you off by your room so you'll have to come with me!" you say frantically.

Tanjiro couldn't help but chuckle as he got on your back and rode frantically to the kitchen as the fish started to burn.

"We made in time!" you sighed in relief, taking the fish away from the flames and letting it cool.

"You're such an angel, (Y/n)." Tanjiro laughed. "Seeing you so frantic was so adorable!" the vibrations from his laugh and his warmth made you so happy inside, you couldn't help but laugh too.

"Thanks Tanjiro!" you looked up at him with a smile. "You're just as adorable as I am, you cute little honey bun!"

"That's it! I'll call you my 'honey bunny' if that's alright with you!" Tanjiro smiled.

"Of course, you little cinnamon roll!"

"Of course"

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