Great things.

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Who lives, who dies, who tells your story
You could have done so much more if you only had time,
And when my time is up,
have I done enough?
Will they tell your story?

We ran towards the stairs, above where Kaecillius was.

"We have to end this, now!" Mordo yelled, then he jumped over the banister onto the ground.

I followed, kicking and pushing them away from being able to cast the spell.

"Strange! Come down here and fight!" Mordo shouted. Kaecillus threw the spell onto the ground, causing us to fall. But Mister doctor (I'm going to keep calling him that now) trapped him in he mirror dimension. I don't know what Kaecillus did but the walls and floor started to multiply. Me, Strange and Mordo ran outside to get away from being stuck in there.

"I've got his sling ring. They can't escape, right?" Strange asked but they started to walk out, we were all still in the mirror dimension. We ran across the street, but the cross road broke apart, creating more and more of it.

"Their connection to the dark dimension makes them more powerful in the Mirror Dimension." Mordo said.

"Isn't that great!" I said sarcastically.

"They can't effect us in the real world, but they can still kill us. This wasn't cleverness. It was suicide!"

"Why are we just standing here, come on!" I started to run down the road, away from them. Strange created a portal but Kaecillus turned the ground so it was on a right angle and we fell onto a bus. There was a guy reading a book who didn't take any notice of us.

Because of the right angle we were on, we were able to jump onto a building and run up it.

"They're still following us!" I yelled. Kaecillius jumped on the building and made a wave that jolted through it, make us stumble. Then he spilt the skyscraper, causing us to fall off.

I can't explain really what it looked like, but the best way to put it is, New York was spilt into different pieces that flees around. We stood in between a building that was part on top of us, and part on the bottom.

"This was a mistake." Strange said. Then the ground went onto an angle, making us fall down. There wasn't any ground to stand on, we just hit some stuff every now and then. It hurt. I kept running and running, trying to avoid them because I am not a very good fighter. I've never been in a real fight before these last few days. I'm more of a books guy then a fighter. But, after a little while of running, the ground started to make sense. And I didn't know why.

No one here is strong enough to stop Kaecillius except my mother.

"Mother?" I called out. I jumped onto something that started to move upwards and became part of something bigger, there was Mordo, strange, Kaecillius, and my mother, all there.

"It's true. She does draw power form the Dark Dimension." Mordo said in disbelief.


"Kaecillius." She said.

"I came to you broken... lost, in need. I trusted you to be my teacher, and you fed me lies."

"I tried to protect you."

"From the truth?"

"From yourself."

"I have a new teacher now."

"Dormammu deceives you. You have no idea what he truly is. This eternal life is not paradise, but torment." She told him.

"Liar." He created a shard of the mirror realm, they all did, and started to fight her. I tried to run forward but she sent something towards me that pushed me down.

Time and patience- son of the sorcerers supreme. Where stories live. Discover now