Oops! Hi!

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The three brothers just arived to London. They all where nervous especially Marcel. You see Marcel loved to sing,but only in comfort of his own room or with his brothers/family. As soon as their friends would ask them to sing something for them,Marcel would be the one who would make something up or would get really nervous and his voice would be the quietest.

So imagine his reaction when his older brother,Harry,entered them in Xfactor. Poor Marcel almost fainted.

Edward and Harry,said that everything's gonna be fine and then they both kissed their brother softly on the lips one at a time.

Harry was excited about this audition,their mum did say they're voices are really good!

Edward didn't really care about the audition,quite frankly he has always wanted to go on Xfactor. But he never brong it up to the other two twins. Incase they didn't want to do this sorta thing.

"I'm going to the toilet,I'll be quick," Harry practically begged his brothers to let him go.

"Haz,I said you should've done that when we were Home," Edward said rolling his eyes,annoyed by his younger brother.

"Come on,please Eddie?" The middle  triplet put on his best puppy dog eyes.

The most annoyed of the triplets huffed,"Fine."

Harry was already running to the men's toilets while shouting, "THANK YOU!!"

The youngest shook his head and giggled softly at his older brothers. That kinda made him less nervous

Harry bearley reached the urinal,and quickly pulled down his blue jeans and relieved himself he was almost done when someone bumped into him. The next few seconds where a blur but the next thing he knows he has spun around to the person who bumped into him and accidentally peed on the person's shoe.



Came a response from the person Harry peed on. It was a Doncaster accent. Harry looked up a few centimetres and saw a cute boy around his age maybe a bit older.

"I'm so sorry about that. Um I c-can buy you new shoes o-or I could clean them o-or-" He stuttered to the male with a Doncaster accent while putting his dick in his pants and trying to pull them up,only to be cut of.

The lad that bumped into Harry put his index finger on the boy's lips. "It's alright,mate. I can clean it my self. No need to buy me new shoes." He pulled his finger away after his little speech.

The older one of the two grabbed some paper towels and wiped the pee of his  shoe and he throws the paper towels away,"Tadaa" he does jazz hands.

"So what's your name,curly?"

"Heyy,it's not curly," Harry pouts,his lip jitters outwards, "It's Harry Styles."

"Well hello,Harry Styles. I'm Louis Tomlinson."

"So,Louis are auditioning or are you just in the audience?" Okay now that he has said it out loud he notices the sticker with the Xfactor logo and some numbers. He mentally faceplams.

"Yeah,I'm auditioning," Louis smiles.
"I see you're auditioning too?"

"Yeah I am."  Harry smiles at the thought of performing with his brothers. 

"Well,in that case can I have your autograph?"

"My what?" Harry chokes on his spit.

"Your autograph,can I have it?" Louis asks with wide big blue, puppy eyes.

The older of them takes some more paper towels and takes out and marker from his pocket,and stretches it out to green eyed boy.

Harry takes both of the items and presses the soft paper against the wall of the bathroom and writes Harry x on it and hands it back to Louis,who is grinning like mad man.

"Thank you Harry,now when you're all grown up and famous,I can say I had your first ever autograph."

"How do you know that," Harry asked curious,tilting his to the side. He looked so adorable,to Louis!

Blue eyed lad just shrugs," I have a good feeling"

Harry is about to reply but his flip phone rings,when he takes it out and flips it over he sees the screen displaying Eddie<3 in bold white letters.

The moment he answers Edward is screaming at him,"Harold Styles,where the fuck are you? We only have 15 minutes until we have go up next. Marcel is panicking. And you're the  only one that can calm him down!" Harry can imagine him pinching his eyebrows together with his fingers looking frustrated and hot all in the same time.

"Sorry I'm coming soon. Bye!!"

He hungs up.

"Sorry have to go my audition is in 15 minutes." Harry explained.

"Now that you mentioned it mine is up in 20,shit gotta run." They both waved bye while runing in different directions.



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