The group

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"So how old are you Louis?" Asks Marcel genuinely curious to know something about the smaller.

"I'm 18. You and your brothers are 16,right?"

"Yeah, we are," He answers politely,"So when's your-" before he can continue he's interrupted by a fake blonde.

"Hello. 'm Niall. And these two are are Zayn and Liam." The blonde,Niall,had a strong Irish accent.

"Your sister and I will go away for a bit so you and your brothers can talk with your friends." The triplets mother whispered in Harry's ear. Harry gave a short nod and a small smile.

The two females walked away from the seven teenagers.

"Where did mum and Gem go,Haz?" Asked Marcel,you could already see Marcels green eyes were a bit watery. The youngest of the three felt nervous when he wasn't near his mum.

"Don't worry their in the same room as us,they just wanted for us all to talk for  a bit." Harry whispered in his younger brothers ear,hugging him,to reassure him that everything is going to be fine.

While they were doing that,Edward introduced him self, his brothers and Louis.

"How about we play truth or dare. To pass the time? Y'know to get to know everyone a bit better?" Suggested the energetic blone Irish lad.

They all agreed.

"Since,I thought of the game. I get to go first!" Niall with a big smile on his face,you'd think his face would break from how hard he's smiling.

They decided to sit on the ground criss-cross-applesauce. Instead of just awkwardly standing around.

Niall looked around the small group think who would me the most interesting to ask first.

"Marcel,truth or dare?" The Irish lad asked raised an eyebrow at the youngest of the seven lads.


"Are you a virgin?" Blue eyed male smirked,already knowing the answer because someone like Marcel,not being a virgin,don't make him laugh.

Marcel went red in the face,he quite literally looked like a tomato. His older brothers cooed at how cute their Marcy was being.

"N-no, I'm not a virgin," He muttered,but the group could still hear him. Niall burst out laughing, "There's no way! You're lying!" He said between laughs.

"He's not lying though,we were there when he lost it," Harry smirked a bit at the memory.

Marcel turned even reder at that,if that was even possible.

No one questioned it and they went on with the game,it now being Marcels turn.

"Louis,truth or dare?" Marcel asked still with pink cheeks.

"Dare." The Doncaster boy said rather confidently.

" us you most embarrassing photo you have on your phone."

"Pff,come on that easy Marcel. Okay whatever."

He scroll through his photo library on his small phone,when he finally found it,he cringed a bit,but whipped his phone around and showed it the others
they all leaned in to take peak.

It was a photo of Louis in glasses and a white and red striped shirt. He was holding up two thumbs and smiling so wide. All the triplets thought that Louis looked so cute!

 All the triplets thought that Louis looked so cute!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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