Questions and Answers

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Edwards POV

After the small boy with a big arse goes on the stage. I'm left with my two younger brothers. The blue eyed boy said that Haz peed on him,what's up with that?

"Did you really pee on him?" I turned to glare at Harry. Finding it really absurd that he would do something like that.

"I-it was an accident,I swear big brother!" Like I mean how does one do that.

"Styles,your audition is over,we need to escort you to another room. The judges in a about 2-3 hours time will decide if your moving on to the next round"

We all nod,I turn to look at Harry,giving him the look that says we-will-talk-about-this.

We all walk including our mum and older sister to the other room. I can't believe we got through. I mean they could still say no,but atleast we have a chance.

Once we get to the room,we see there are other boys and girls our age,with their families. I see some cute boys,but their not as cute as the blue eyed, feathery haired boy. You see me and my identical brothers all are gay. And we are in a what most people considering a weird relationship,our mum and sister support us no matter what.

Now that I think about the shorter boy,I really need to ask Harry what the he'll happened.

"Harold,you have some explaining to do." I glare at my younger brother.

"I can explain,please Eddie." He pleads,using his damn cute puppy dog eyes.

"Go on then." I say tapping my foot,inpatient.

"I was just doing my business and he bumped into me and it kinda just split,it happened in a blur and next think I know I say oops and he say hi. And then we kinda just talk,than you rang. I-I-I just..." He let out a breath. "I'm sorry"

"Wait,wait your first words to each other were 'oops' and 'hi'?" Our older sister Gemma asked.

"Umm kinda,yeah" Haz blushed,I smiled fondly at my cute younger brother

"Haz,did you atleast apologise,to him?" Our mum asked.

"Yeah,lots of times."

"C'mere haz" I said opening my arms.

He hugged me so tight,I think one of my ribs broke. But still my haz's hugs are the best!

"Am I interrupting something?" Asked a high pitched voice behind my back,but it's the nice high pitch not,like a scratchy one.

Harry separates from my arms, "Hi Louis!"

"Are gonna introduces us Harry?" Our mum asked pointedly.

"Right,Louis these are my brothers Marcel and Edward," He gestured to us,I can see Marcels cheeks get a bit red, "That's my mum and my older sister,Gemma." He gestures to our mum and sister.

"Ahem Harold, that's our mum and sister." I clear my throat. I can hear Louis giggle.

"Yeah,yeah whatever Eddie." He waves my off.

"And everyone this is Louis Tomlinson,the guy I peed on!" He says proudly. I almost choke. But I can hear Louis and Marcel giggling and rest of my family chuckle.


I'm sorry this chapter is so short, I'll make the next one longer.

At first I wanted to do Louis audition but I felt everyone has seen it so there's no point.


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