The Styles Audition

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Harry quickly ran to the behind the scenes of the show to meet up with his mum,sister and his twin brothers.

"Harry,where the hell have you been?!" Yelled his older brother.

"Edward." Warned Anne,their mum.

"Right,right. Sorry mum. I was just worried about him and the fact that we're up in 10 minutes and Marcy is really nervous about this aswell I-I just want this so go well..." eldest of the brothers trailed of whimpering. Harry quickly huged his brother. "I'm sorry for worrying you,love" he whispered to Eddie.

Then kissing his temple softly apologizing once more.

Then going to Marcel,only to see him, sitting on the ground, shanking like a leaf muttering about how they are not even getting through the first round.

The triplet with buns squatted down to his brothers height and pulled him into a hug,speaking softly to him,praising him for how brave he is to be here,how everythings going to be fine. Eventually the youngest of the brothers stopped shanking and started breahing normally. He hugged his older sibling back. Harry softly kissed his lips to resure him that everything is going to be fine. Soon enough their older brother joined the hug.

"Styles you are up in 5" said someone from the crew of Xfactor. Theys scrambled apart,Harry pulled Marcel up.

"You're fine?" Harry asked the triplet with glasses.

Marcel just nodded.

"You two ready,because I'm ready to win this thing!" Screamed Edward,clearly excited.

"Yeah!" Both said back just as excited.

"You three ready?" Asked the crew of Xfactor.

All three of them nodded. Just as they all were ready to go,Harry spotted someone familiar with feathery hair looking straight at him and his brothers. Harry shook it off,he didn't need distractions.

The three walked on the stage,already hearing claping.

"Hello"says Simon Cowell. Harry has wanted to meet him for ever and now he's standing right in front of him.

"Hello" they answer in the same time making Marcels cheeks a bit red.

Nicole giggled at that.

"Nice to meet you,what's your names?" Once again Simon spoke.

Harry decided to speak, "I'm Harry Styles, the one with the glasses is Marcel Styles and the one in the red coat is Edwards Styles." Maybe the judges or the audience couldn't see it but his brothers definitely could see their brother was nervous.

The audience cheered and claped at that.

"Okay,how old are Harry,Marcel and Edward?" he asked again.

This time Edward spoke, "We're 16,"

"So can you tell me a bit about your selfs?" Simon once again spoke.

Surprising both eldest brothers Marcel spoke,"Erm we work in a Bakery" not as lond as the other two triplets,but the mic in his hand made it just as loud.

"What do you do in a bakery?"

"I serve the cakes, Marcel cleans and sweeps the place and Harry bakes most things" Edward spoke,so his younger brothers didn't have to, they were jittery  and nervous already.

"So what is popular at the moment?"Spoke the same old guy.


"Whats popular?"

"In the shop?"


"Vienies fancies are always a favourite" (a/n idk if I spelled that correctly)

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