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August 6th: 21:59

"Guys, as adorable as this is, we need to get a move on. We only have a half an hour." I smiled softly, standing close to Fitz's side.

I looked over at Cassie to see her smiling, but it was shaky as she shot glances up towards the top of the cliff, where dim lights were shining. Elvis and Dixon pulled apart, blushing lightly. Dixon stayed close to Elvis' side, wrapping an arm lightly around his waist, as if afraid to let him go.

"Why did they leave you down here?" Fitz asked.

"I was bait." Dixon said, shrugging, "They figured me being threatened with a gun would be a way to lead you up the Canyon and into their trap."

"It's hardly a trap." Elvis snorted, "We know damn well what we're getting ourselves into. Bunch of goons with guns."

"What's our plan?" I asked, folding my arms to ward off the chill that was spreading through the air, "We can't run up there blind."

"Our best bet is stalling." Fitz chimed in, "My team is on the way, they'll be here within an hour. At least thirty men."

"We need to keep him talking. Our best bet is Kiara. She'll be able to wind him up enough without getting herself killed." Dixon chimed in.

"She's probably already doing it." Elvis snorted fondly.

"Then let's go up this mountain and save our friends." Cassie nodded firmly.

"Even Brent?" Dixon asked.

"Even Brent." I sighed.

We walked briskly up the Canyon towards the dim lights.

"No one is to make any sudden moves, don't do anything stupid and for the love of God, Cassie do not fire that gun." Fitz chided.

Cassie pouted but nodded.

He continued, "If one gun goes off, they all go off and those two will be dead in seconds. We need to keep them docile, let them think that they have the upper hand, then swoop in and take it from them."

"You're hot when you go all agent." I murmured, bumping his hip with mine and earning myself a low chuckle.

"You know when all this is done, you owe me a date." He mentioned.

"After this? I will take you anywhere in the world, sweetheart." I grinned, "I don't know what we would have done without you."

"Well for one you'd all be in prison." He joked, "And maybe dead."

"Thank you again for that, I know we need to sort out the major details but-"

"Don't worry about it, darlin'." He reassured me, "It will be done, I promise."

The relief at that moment outweighed any fear. I had done what I promised my friends I would do. I had ensured none of them would be going to prison. It didn't fix the damage I had caused but it was at least a start.

"Okay." Fitz said quietly, "We're here. Violet, give me the phone."

"What?" I gasped, "No!"

"We don't all need to rush in there and get caught. Only one person needs to go and that should be me."

"Not a fucking chance!" Cassie exclaimed, "I am not abandoning Kiara."

"Neither am I." Elvis folded his arms as Dixon nodded in agreement.

Fitz glanced at me and I glared at him, shaking my head firmly.

Fitz sighed, swiftly realising he would get nowhere with any of us, "Everyone sticks together and stays calm. No rash movements and please don't do anything stupid."

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