Chapter 4: Wilhelm and Simon's Pov

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I couldn't believe I said these world to Wille. What if he heard me? I wanted him to know I still loved him but, I just feel like I'm not supposed to love him after everything that happened.

The next day I woke up at 6:30am to get ready. Wille was still asleep, I could see how tired he was. My poor Wille..

Twenty minutes later I saw him with his eyes open, playing with a little bracelet he had found.

'Good morning Simon' He said while playing with the bracelet in a sleepy mood

'Good morning Wille' I said with a smile

'Are you coming for breakfast?' I asked

'Yeah..sure.' He responded. He didn't seem okay, did something happen yesterday that bothered him?

'Are you alright? You don't act like yourself' I said confused

'Yeah Simon I'm alright, just tired.' He replied, got up and went straight to the bathroom.

What was wrong with him.

I left the room when he went to the bathroom so I could grab breakfast, 10 minutes after I had sat down, he sat right next to me , I felt butterflies in my stomach

W: Hi

S: Hi

W: Sorry about earlier, I just had a weird night yesterday

S: It's cool, don't worry about it

After that we broke eye contact and looked at our plates smiling

The day went by very quickly, after classes I didn't see Wille at all for hours. I was working out and studying with some teachers, he didn't even show up to dinner.

After dinner I went to check in our room, no sign of him. I decided to go ask Felice and Sara, maybe they had seen him somewhere. I went to their room and knocked on the door

F: Hi Simon!! Nice to see you here

S: Hey Felice, do you have any idea where Wilhelm is?

F: He isn't with you in your room?

S: No?

F: After classes he told me he would just stay your room and he would maybe take a walk bc he needs alone time

S: Thank you Felice

F: It's nothing

Afterwards she closed the door. I was worried sick about Wille, I didn't want something to happen like the last time on the football field.

I even went outside to look for him, no sign of Wilhelm.

When I went back to our room, he was there, laying on his bed, with tears filling his eyes.

'Wilhlem!!?!?' I said panicking as I closed the door and rushed to get close to him

He looked miserable, his eyes were red and his cheeks were wet

'Wille please tell me what's wrong' I said


Today has been one of the most anxious days of my life. Erik was supposed to turn 22 today. I also couldn't stop thinking about Simon, his words last night just didn't seem real. I just wanted to be alone. When he finally found me, I could see the stress in his eyes

'Wille please tell me what's wrong' He said, I was rubbing my chest, not being able to talk.

'Deep breaths okay? I'm right here' He said and tried to give me his hand to hold it. I couldn't take it anymore, I got up and hugged him as tight as I could, I completely broke down

'Shhh Wille, Shhh' He responded, I had missed his touch, his confronting voice, everything.

We were just holding eachother for around 1-2 minutes, after we let go of eachother, I felt more calm

'Do you want to talk about what's wrong?' He said. I nodded and we both sat down on my bed.

W: Today was supposed to be Erik's 22nd birthday.

S: I'm so sorry Wilhelm

W: Also um, I heard what you said to me last night

He was in pure shock. He probably didn't expect it

S: Wille....

W: it's okay Simon, I know we can't be together, but I love you too.

S: I hate not being next to you Wilhelm. I hate not being with you, but I know I can't be with you. I love you more..

He just layed on my shoulder and we stayed like this for almost the whole night, afterwards we just went to bed. I couldn't believe he said those words to me..

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