Chapter 12

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TW abuse, neglect, implied imprisonment,
Please let me know if I missed any


I walked into the classroom, and all the confidence I had before was drained out of my body.

I don't like talking, it's just another thing on my long list of problems the foster system gave me.

It's not just the fact that I don't like it, it's also the fact that sometimes my mind wants to say something, but my mouth won't let me.

My therapist said I was just selectively mute, but it was more than that.

I knew it was.

Because I knew where it came from.

When I was five, I was stuck in this awful foster home with an older girl in the system, Hannah.

The couple was old, and cranky, they neglected us, and frankly shouldn't have passed the inspection.

We weren't allowed to go outside, and the door stayed locked.

The woman liked Hannah, and would often take her out, leaving me behind.

But Hannah would always come back with fun little stories.

When the woman wasn't around, the man would always be on high alert, ready to punish us for anything, especially existing.

Times like that, Hannah would tuck me into the closet and tell me to stay quiet.

I did.

Sometimes for five minutes, sometimes for five hours, I would sit in that closet, and stay silent. My bony knees tucked tightly to my chest, I would watch through the slits in the closet when the man would find a reason to beat Hannah.

I screamed silently every time she was thrown against the wall Luke a rag doll.

My hand cupped over my mouth as I cried silently while she was beaten bloody and bruised.

I shook my head, it was one of my worse fosters, and one of my longest too.

"Um, hi, my name is Tubbo, what's yours?"

"I'm Ranboo."

"It's nice to meet you, Ranboo!" He said cheerfully.

"It's nice to meet you, Tubbo." I replied, trying to match his cheerfulness.

I turned to the blond boy, trying to keep my confidence. "What's your name?"

"It's Tommy, and it's not nice to meet you." He said with a scowl.

The way he was sitting gave off a feeling of I don't want to know you, because then you will know me.

"Aw C'mon Tommy, it is nice to meet new people."

He glared at the teacher, "No, it really isn't, especially if you are basically trapped with people, and can't do anything freely."

I made a mental note that if I needed a teacher to be yelled at, Tommy would be the person to ask.

"Do either of you want to play? I brought cards." Tubbo asked.



We all knew different card games, but all of us knew war, so we decided to have a three way war.


"I might actually start a war with you." Tommy snarled.

"Please don't." I said with a small smile.

Tommy seemed to loosen up a bit, making playful banter with Tubbo and I.

I can be on good terms with them.

Just don't get attached.


Three chapters!

I'm having too much fun this week.

End of summer fun!

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙

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