Mike ~ Will

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Cg! Mike
little! Will

(Will stayed instead of going to cali)

3rd person POV
It was lunch time at hawkins high when Will was struggling to stay in his normal headspace. He had a very important exam after lunch and he was too busy at home to study a lot and he hadn't got much time to slip or sleep.

He was tired and wanted to sleep cuddled up with his blanket and his stuffed cat that Mike had gotten him a couple years ago. He was zoned out at the lunch table before someone started snapping their fingers in front of his face.

"Hello?? Will?" Mike said, Will looked up at him just coming out of his daze. "What?" He questioned looking all around at the others also staring at him. "Do you want to go to the movies with us after school?" Mike asked.

Will thought for a second, he debated on either going home and slipping or going to the movies with the party and struggle even more with his headspace. "Uh..yeah, sure I'll go." He said after some seconds.

He knew he would regret it later but seeing as Mike smiled when he agreed he didn't regret his response at the moment. "Awesome!" Mike said as he went back to talking with everyone else.

It was now the next class in which was the exam. Will was nervous but also a little happy because mike was in the same class and they usually sat beside each other.

Halfway through the test was going just fine until Will got stuck on a few questions that he didn't know. He bounced his leg and his eyes watered as he felt his head get a little fuzzy feeling. He heard a noise beside him and looked over to what it was.

It was Mike. He was looking at Will with a little of concern and mouthed him an 'Are you ok?' Will just nodded and went back to the test. The rest of the class went by after what felt like forever and Will handed in his test and ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang.

He ran into the bathroom and locked himself inside a stall as he held his knees up to his chest trying to keep his composure. He tried to assure himself he could slip later after the movie when he was alone. Even though he didn't like slipping alone.

Jonathan was his caregiver when he was little. But his brother was out of town with Nancy having some sort of vacation for two weeks. After he calmed down and maintained his headspace he walked out of the bathroom.

He was walking to his last class before he got stopped by his two best friends. "Will are you okay?" Lucas asked. "Yeah Mike said that you were really upset last class." Dustin added. Will just looked away avoiding eye contact, "Yeah I'm fine, just don't worry about it guys." He assured the boys. They shrugged and walk into class, as did Will.

Will sat at the very back of the classroom and through all the class he had his head down and dozed off.

He had woken up by the loud ringing of the bell and jumped out of his seat as he walked out of class to meet his friends. He was greeted by them at the bike rack where all their bikes were.

The rode to the movie theatre, bought the tickets and food. Now they are heading to their designated seats in the theatre. The order went Will, Mike, Max, Eleven, Dustin, and Lucas. They sat down and they chatted to each other before the movie started.

It was about 30-40 ish minutes into the movie and Will couldn't stop yawning. He was just too tired to even keep his eyes open. He ended up falling asleep with his head on Mikes shoulder.

Mike froze as he felt Will leaning on him. He looked over and seen that be was sleeping. He focused on his face for a bit, seeing how relaxed he seemed and his soft snores.

The movie finished after a while and the other four were heading out of the theatre because they were rushing home. Mike sat still for a bit, hesitating to wake Will up. He looked so peaceful and cute. But they couldn't stay in the theatre the whole time.

Mike shook Will a bit. He whined and turned away from Mike. "Will, we need to go now! The movies over and everyones leaving." Mike whispered to him. Will tiredly pouted and raised his arms making grabby hands.

Mike was confused on why his best friend was acting like such a child but he found it cute. He didn't know what to do so he just grabbed Wills hand and walked him out of the theatre.

Will was glad Mike wasn't questioning him on his actions. It was an accident that he woke up in his younger headspace. But he wasn't that scared about being little around Mike now that he knows he isn't gonna question until maybe later.

Mike lead them to their bikes and got on his and waited for Will to get onto his. "Can I have a sleepover at your place?" Mike questioned. Will just nodded but didn't get on his bike and just held onto it.

"Walk." He blurted out. Mike looked at him confused. "What? You wanna walk home?" He asked. Will nodded again. Mike sighed, "Well you're lucky you live close to here then." He said getting off his bike and started walking, Will joining his side.

They arrived at the Byers household and left their bikes on the lawn as they went in. Will ran to his room with Mike walking behind him. Which Mike watched him search under his bed for a box. He opened it and pulled out a blanket, cuddling into it.

He also got out a blue sippy cup and handed it to Mike. He took it as he was very confused at what happened to his best friend. He didn't mind it because it was cute. He just wanted to know the reason behind why he was acting like this.

Mike then remembered something. Max had told him about this thing that helps El cope with her past. Something called little space? He wondered if thats what Will was doing right now. He didn't care though, he would ask when Will was back to normal.

"Juice!" Will yelled as he watched Mike just stand there. Mike was startled because he was zoned out and thinking. He remembered when Max told him Little space is where a person acts like a child so he was gonna try and take the role of an adult as Max had told him.

"Don't yell dude, and use your manners." He said slightly stern about it. "Juice please.." Will said as he sat on the floor with the box again.

Mike went and got the juice that Will had asked for. He walked back into the room to see the little on the floor playing with some toy blocks. Mike awed at the sight because Will was just too cute.

Will seen Mike at the door and made grabby hands for the sippy cup. "Manners." Mike reminded the mentally younger. "Please!" He said dragging out the first 'e'. He handed the sippy over to the boy as he basically chugged it.

They spent a couple hours playing with toys and watching movies. Will yawned and rubbed his eyes as he once again, leaned his head onto Mikes shoulder. The mentally older turned the tv off and got up which made Will whine.

"Im putting you to bed buddy. You don't wanna sleep on the uncomfy couch do you?" Mike questioned. Will shook his head and raised his arms. "Uppies please.." he said tiredly. Mike hesitated for a second before picking his best friend up and setting him up on his hip.

He brought them both to Wills room and laid the boy down. He went and got a pillow and blanket to set up on the floor but Will stopped him. "Cuddle wif me please.!" He said with a yawn. "Uh..okay?" Mike said trying not to show too much happiness. He was going to cuddle with his crush.

He got into the bed with Will as the boy cuddled up to him. Mike wrapped his arm around the little and they both dozed off into a peaceful sleep.

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