Chapter 1

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(WARNING: There is body shamming(?) In this and bad talking about own body. OH, and blood and small cussing)

You were peacefully sitting at the library's front desk. You swirled in a chair, waiting for your shift to end. You were wearing a baggy hoodie too oversized for your height and a silver neckless with a dark purple gem you could swear would make you feel watched. You looked at the clock and grumbled,
  "Why does time always move slower when you want things to get over?" You laid your head on the desk, looking at the library as people looked at the many books. Your hands tapped on the desk. You could practically hear the clock tick, and at this point, it was agitating. All of a sudden, a loud noise rang outside the library doors. You quickly jumped and looked outside. People quickly gathered around the doors and windows to see what was happening. You sprang up, running to the nearest window, pushing past people. There you saw a giant purple monster. A couple of people are standing before it, seemingly trying to fight it. One guy was slammed to the ground; I could not see what they looked like. You just sighed and walked back to my desk. Knowing this would sort itself out as it always does. People kept watching as you grabbed a price of paper and started doodling. You could hear slams and people chattering in the library as people watched. You rolled your eyes. Demon attacks were nothing new, yet people acted like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. You kept doodling, and soon, people returned to looking at books or fled quickly home. After a half hour, my shift was over, and your co-worker gave you a judgmental look as she came in for her shift. You tried to ignore her, but as you passed, you heard her whisper,
"Fat idiot." She chuckles, going to the desk. You felt my body tense up as soon as you heard her tears welling in your eyes, but you ignored her hateful words the best I could as I walked out the doors, the sunset almost night now. You sighed, getting in your car and driving home. Tears sting your eyes.
"It's just some stupid words from a silly teenage girl!" You grumbled loudly. However, it didn't fix anything. It still hurt as you already had insecurity about my weight. Soon you were out of the city and turned onto a dirt road through the forest. It was always way more creepy at night, but you know it was most likely your instincts being wary of the darkness around you. Soon You pulled next to your cabin. Getting out, you looked at it. Despite it being in the woods, it looked like any other house; It was big enough not to make you claustrophobic but small enough to make sure everything was snug. You got your keys to unlock the door and walk inside. As soon as you did, you heard a soft meow from your cat named pumpkin. You looked over at the black cat with orange eyes. You smiled, walking over and running your fingers through Pumpkin's soft black fur. The cat purred loudly, rubbing against you.
  "At least you don't care how I look," You spoke with a small smile. Pumpkin just meowed, jumping down and going to his food bowl and meowed again. You sighed, walking groggily to the kitchen as you felt myself get tired grabbing the cat food and feeding Pumpkin. Sometimes you swore the only reason this cat liked you was because you gave him food. Only sometimes. Most of the time, he was a sweet cat. Your eyes grew heavy, and you walked to your room, leaving the door cracked for Pumpkin to join in the bedroom. You grabbed a towel, and PJs walked to the bathroom, took a hot shower, then made it colder after a while. Once finished, you quickly got dried off, not looking in the mirror. You dressed quickly and went to your room. You could see a small black furry mass on your bed, fast asleep. You smiled, walking to your bed and getting under the covers, falling asleep quickly. The necklaces' gem having a soft purple hue to it.
   Two weeks passed by, and you were exhausted. The teenage girl made you take her shift because she had "plans with the girls." she hadn't even planned in advance, which infuriated you, but when you were going to tell her no, she insulted and belittled you. You folded like a chair and agreed. It was midnight at this point as you pulled into the 'driveway.' You got out quickly, walked to the door, and unlocked it. As you were about to open it, you froze. A loud noise like someone walking. Someone was in your house. You quickly grabbed your pocket knife and quietly opened the door, only to see blood. You flinched.
"Holy shit," You whisper. There was no sign of struggle.
You walked deeper into your trespassed home. You heard noises in the bathroom. You quietly close the front door. Pumpkin was hidden under the TV table, fast asleep. At least he was fine. You quickly look away from Pumpkin as you quietly walk to the bathroom. You peek in, seeing blood and a black-furred creature, no, demon.  His tail flicked nervously, grabbing stuff and fumbling like he was looking for something and what you could only assume was a first aid kid with how horrid his mangled body looked. You held the pocket knife but knocked on the door frame. The demon jumped, whipping his head at you. He had a nasty scar on his left eye that was a golden color. The other was a shadowy purple. He had a red face marking. His black fur was glazed over with blood matting his fur. His clothes were torn but not beyond repair. His most defining feature was his six ears. At this point, you realized he was a monkey demon. As soon as he saw you, he bared his teeth—tail lashing. You stepped back, putting the pocket knife away but not out of reach. You moved your hands up to show you meant no harm. He glared at your movement, seeming to study you. You gulped, speaking softly
"Looking for the first aid?" You gave a warm smile that you knew was fake but seemed perfectly real to the stranger. He nodded.
"Can I walk in and grab it? I can help you patch up your wounds." You spoke again, looking at him. He paused and finally spoke, his voice husky and raspy from pain.
"Yeah... You can come in." He spoke, his body relaxing but still in a defensive stance. I walked in, grabbing the first aid kit from the medicine cabinet. You could hear the monkey demon wince and whimper when he moved.
"Come on. You can sit on my bed." You kept your voice low as you spoke. His ears flicking. He gave you a look of untrust which was fair.
"I promise I won't hurt you. I just want to help." You gave a soft smile. He glared. You could see him hold back a sneer.
"Why are you helping me?" His tail lashed.
"Because the faster I help you, the faster I can go to sleep." You huffed, walking to the bedroom holding the first aid kit. My bathroom and bedroom were connected, lucky for the bloody monkey. I grabbed towels laying them on my bed. The monkey demon came in, eyeing the towels suspiciously. You quickly sat down to show you wouldn't try anything. He sat next to you.
"Alright, give me the first aid." He uttered, tail flicking. You looked at him over, inspecting his state.
"You are in no condition to do first aid on yourself," you said softly. "Let me help." You gave him a reassuring smile. He gave a glare. He went to yank the first aid kid but yelped, whimpering.
"See?" You spoke with a reassuring smile on your face. He growled but took his shirt off, making painful grunts and whines. You could see his chest. He had a tiny waist, but he did have abs. You could feel your mind turn against you. Belittling your looks. You shook them off for the moment and cleaned the cuts and gashes. He yelp, growling at you, but you paid no mind as you worked.
"What it!" He yelled after one loud yelp. You glanced at him and sighed.
"Not much I can do. It's going to hurt." You spoke softly. He just grumbled. After around twenty minutes, you finished.
   "There." You smiled at your work. You were looking at the black monkey, giving you a side-eye. You froze. He was probably noticing how you looked. How fat you were. How ugly you are. You wished you were built like him. Slim, yet muscular and handsome. He sighed more gently than he had the entire time.
"Macaque." He spoke. You looked at him in confusion. "That's my name." He looked into your eyes. His gold and purple eyes almost seemed to shine. "What's yours?" Macaque seemed to fidget with his hands nervously.
"Y/N," You spoke softly. He seemed to smile.
"That's a nice name." Macaque's voice showed his nervousness. He acted as if he had no social skills, which you understood to an extent. He was probably awkward because he broke into your how fur matted in blood—speaking of that.
"Do you want a wet washcloth? For your fur, you can take a shower in the morning if you wish." I looked away from his eyes, feeling like I was being pulled into him. He didn't seem to like that, as Macaque tensed.
"That'd be nice." He spoke in a hushed tone. You could feel how thick the air was. You got up, grabbed a washcloth making wet, and added a little soap to make it sudsy. You shuffled back to Macaque, holding it and giving him the washcloth. Macaque gave a weak smile washing the blood off as much as he could.
"You're not going to ask?" Macaque looked at you. You tilted your head confused.
"Ask about what?" You queried. His ear flicked. He seemed like he was less tense and more curious.
"About why im in your house? All blood and cut up?" He spoke, perplexed. You just shrugged.
"None of my business." You shrugged. He seemed shocked by this. His tail flicking in curiosity. 
"But im in your house? Most people get-" you cut him off. Looking him in the eyes again. Mistake as you got lost in them again.
"Violent? Angry? Look, it's none of my concern. But I won't make someone hurt and injured leave that way." You stare into his eyes again. He seemed taken aback.
"You're the first human ever to say that." A small smile formed, hardly visible. "Your special." You froze. You back up, tensing. He seemed taken back by this, getting startled.
"I'm nothing special. I'm just being kind. Is all." You rubbed your arm, looking away. He sighed.
"You are. Most humans run in fear our chase me out like an animal for being a demon, but you? You helped one." He smirked. "That's special." You looked at him. You could tell he was feeling better as it seemed his real personality seemed to be forming. You assumed you weren't sure, though. You shrugged.
"You should rest. You can stay here. I'll sleep on the couch." You spoke, getting up. He looked at you grabbing your wrist with his. You froze and looked at him.
"I'll take the couch after all; im the one who snuck into your house." He went to get up but yelped loudly.
"Whoah! Hey, you still hurt. You shouldn't move." You spoke frantically. He looked at you and sighed. He tensed when you touched him. He growled, and you quickly removed your hands. "Sorry. Can I help you lay down?" You spoke sheepishly, feeling embarrassed. He signed and nodded. As you helped him, he tensed at being touched. You laid him down comfy by the time he was laying down; he had gotten used to the touch, yearning for more. You removed your hands, and Macaque had to hold back a whine of displeasure. It was probably his instincts as monkeys are social creatures and need touch. His eyes had been closed, but they fluttered open looking at you. You looked at him.
"Need anything? Pain pills? Water?" You spoke. He shook his head.
"Pain pills don't work, and Im not thirsty." He said, his eyes seemingly staring into your soul. You flinched at that but soon realized it was a soft one. Nothing violent. You nodded and yawned.
"Good night then, Macaque," you smile. As you went to leave, he reached out but pulled his and back. You left the room. He sighed, shaking the feeling off. His instincts are missing the physical touch he had been missing for decades or more. He let his eyes flutter open as he fell asleep. You flopped on the couch. You looked at the blood in the living room and groaned.
"Fuck, mmm, I'll clean it in the morning. I should have tomorrow off." You spoke lazily as you passed out ten minutes after. The purple crystal around your neck slightly glowed.

Macaque x M!Reader ShadowyheartWhere stories live. Discover now