Chapter 2

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You slowly opened your eyes. Blinking as the sun comes through the windows. You get up gradually as you sigh, cracking your back. The couch was always an awful place to sleep. You got up, looking at the floor, remembering the dried blood. Quickly you walk to the mop and start cleaning the blood off. Realized the water and soap weren't doing much. You promptly grabbed some bleach, mixing water with it. You kept it in a bucket while cleaning the blood off the floor. You sighed, looking in the bathroom, remembering all the blood that was in there from Macaque. You bring the bucket as you open the bathroom door. You grab a mop and a rag starting to clean all the blood off the walls and floor. You smiled as you finished. You heard noises in the bedroom. You finished up and walked to the bedroom.

"Hey, you awake?" You hummed, seeing the fluff mass on your bed stir. He winced, sitting up and looking at you.

"Yeah, I'm awake." His gold and purpled eyes stared into your eyes. You nodded, and you spoke, looking into his eyes.

"Good, you need a shower." You smirked. He looked you in the eyes, his left three ears flicking. His tail flicked to the left. He seemed to be thinking.

"mmm, fine, but do you even have any clothes that would fit me?" Macaque smirked, tilting his head. You froze, seeming to think. You walked to the closet and grabbed oversized shirt and sweatpants. You walked over to him, dropping the clothes next to him.

"Will these work?" You smirked back in almost a challenging way. He looked at the clothes and just nodded.

"Yep, this works." He smiled and nodded. You grabbed a towel and handed him a towel. Macaque nodded, getting up, wincing. You looked at him and helped him up. Macaque seemed to flinch at this but relax. Still being slightly tense, you walked him to the bathroom.

"Get the shower started. I'll grab the clothes to bring in here." You smiled, trying to make him feel more comfortable. He seemed to still be tense. You just nervously laughed and left the room. You sighed, going to bed, grabbing the clothes. Macaque had brought the towel with him. You walked back in, putting the clothes next to the sink.

"Um...the clothes are next to the sink, and the shampoo and conditioner are on the ledge in the shower." You spoke softly, now fiddling with your hands. He stared at you, seeming more distant, and nodded. You quickly left the bathroom. You sat on the bed and thought. Yesterday Macaque was distant. It made sense. We had just met, but he seemed to be warming up towards the end. Now he was distant again. You were trying to wrap your head around why. Why distance again all of a sudden? You sighed. Maybe it was the pain he was in? He's probably just using you for help, but you didn't mind though you were helping to help, not to get something out of him. Plus, you just met each other; there was no way he would trust you. Not yet, besides you had no idea what he's been through or even what caused him to get so injured. You were only surprised he was even alive at this point. You don't know how he was even moving mean yeah, he's a demon, but even a demon should be down with those wounds. Was he even mortal? Maybe just strong-willed? You sighed, deciding to stop speculating about a life that wasn't yours. He would probably just leave after being healed anyway.

Most people found you annoying once you get comfortable with them. At least, that is how it seemed. Without thinking, you got up and walked to the closet, grabbing clothes. You continued to think, that's how it seemed anyway, and despite being left or used, you still warmed up to people way too quickly. Instead of blocking yourself off, you are just prepared to fall and be left there. As they walk to someone better. You quickly got changed into baggy clothes that you liked. Could you blame them? You got hyper-talking about things you liked but no one wanted to hear. You were clumsy and unaware of your surroundings, so you were told by people. No one hit on you, and if they did, it was for shits and giggles soon in high school. You blocked romance as an option. I mean, who would want to date Mr. Chubby?

Macaque x M!Reader ShadowyheartWhere stories live. Discover now