Chapter 4

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Heeeeyyy sorry I haven't been posting. A lot of stuff happened. I also got back into the owl house Soooooo Hahaha sorry. Art above by me (ItsArtLee) )

You stared at nothing. People quietly walked by as you just thought. About what? A certain black furred demon. It had been 3 days and he didn't show back up. You should be happy he's gone! That dick hurt you! Yet you missed his company in your small cottage. You sighed laying your head down and huffed. You watched as someone walked up to you. He seemed nervous. He had a long black robe with some red clouds on it. You couldn't see his face but he did have facial hair.
  "Hello sir how can I help you?" You sadly huffed. He shuffled talking out a book on how to mend friendships. You hummed scanning it.
  "Name?" You asked.
  "Uh. . .Mack." You nod putting the name in.
  "Okay sir have a good day." You spoke out lazily. He took it leaving but giving you a glance as he opened the door. Something about him seemed familiar. Too familiar. Minutes turned to hours. Hours turned to the end of your shift. You quickly left not saying a word to your co-worker as you clocked out. You quickly got in your car leaving. You didn't even play music. The car ride was quite yet heavy. You rode through the forest soon finding your house. You got out of your car walking to the door you froze as you almost stepped on a note and some flowers. You picked them up reading.
  "Hi, I don't know what im doing or how to do this but. Please meet me tomorrow at 3pm at moon baked Café. I need to talk. Yours truely.
  -shadowman" you hummed looking at the purple and (f/c) flowers. You could easily pice together who this was. Macaque. If he wae trying to be cute it wasn't working. You walked in setting the flowers in a vase. It wouldn't hurt to talk to him in public though. You'd be safe. You sat as Pumpkin jumped on your lap purring. You pet pumkin sighing.
  The next day was your day off. You got dressed and grabbed your keys. You fed Pumpkin and looked at the time. 2:30. Time to leave you thought. You were not looking forward to this. You left locking your house and getting in the car. You drove to the moon baked Café. It was about a 28 minutes drive. You drove. Soon it was down to 2 minutes. Your nervous were rising. You still had the bandage on your face from him scratching you. You sighed as you parked getting out. You walked into the Café. 3pm. You thought. You didn't see Macaque maybe it was a lie? You hummed then someone touched you on the shoulder. You jumped pushing them away and turned around to see the guy from the libary.
  "(Y/n) did I scare you?" He chuckled. You recognized that voice. Macaque. You huffed.
  "If your gonna act like a little shit then im leaving." You threatened about to leave. He grabbed you wrist gently.
  "Wait! Look. Im not good at this okay? Lets just grab some food and chat. Please?" Macaque spoke looking at you hopefully.
  "Fine." You huffed. You two grabbed a table sitting down. You glared at him.
  "Okay where to start." Macaque groaned. "For one im so-sorry." He cringed. "For hurting you. I was just so upset." He looked at you.
  "Mhm." You nodded.
  "And um the subject you brought up was." He scratched the back of his neck. "Touchy. I don't like talking about it." Macaque sighed. You just nodded.
  "So what im trying to say is im sor-sorry." Macaque sighed. Looking back at you.
  "Mmmm well I don't forgive you-" you got cut off by Macaque.
  "What but I-" You cut him off this time.
  "however. You can stay with me again if you want. But this time you have to help take care of the house and show me your truely sorry. Actions speak louder then words." You huffed. He nodded.
  "Got it." Macaque sighed. You two ended up getting food and sitting in silence. It was akward but you were sure he'd figure it out, and so would you. It seemed Macaque didn't know how to apologize for shit. Explains the book earlier. That or he'll bot believe he is in the wrong. You'd help him get through it. Why were you gonna do that?
  You two got home. Macaque went stright to cleaning. You went and strightened up your bed room. You then grabbed some extra pillows and blankets plopping them on the couch. That night you two didn't talk.
(Sorry its not long. Im kinda unmotivated for this book and I felt bad for not posting anything so yeah- ALSO if you are a TOH Hunter simp(btw before anyone freaks out thinking im a adult im 16) I do have a new book)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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