Chapter 3

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(W! blood, briefly talks about transphobia and body shamming.)

You slowly open your eyes, not realizing

you had fallen asleep. You look at Macaque, who was fast asleep. You looked down to see Macaque's fluffy tail brush against you, almost like he was making sure you were still there. You smiled, getting up slowly, not wanting to wake him. You got up, grabbed clothes to wear, and got changed in the bathroom before you walked to the kitchen, making breakfast for you and Macaque. You decided to make some steamed buns and dumplings. You quickly started as the yummy smell filled the small cabin. You were almost done when Macaque was standing beside you. You had hardly noticed and jumped.

"Holy- Don't scare me like that!" You screeched. He chuckled, looking at the pretty much finished food.

"Look yummy," Macaque spoke, camly flicking his tail.

"Thanks, it's for breakfast." You smiled, taking the buns out of the oven. They were soft and fluffy. You put some garlic on them. "They're done. I'll-" You froze as Macaque had stolen a bun.

"MMM, delicious!" Macaque's tail wagged as he went to grab another. You quickly slapped his hand.

"Hey! Wait until we sit!" You huffed. He looked at you challengingly, reaching for another bun. You slapped his hand again, glaring.

"Fine!" He groaned, going to the table. You grabbed the plates and food, heading to the table, and sitting them down. You sat down after.

"Now you can eat." You quickly spoke as you reached for food. Macaque did the same, grabbing and eating like he hadn't had food before. You sighed, eating a little bit of food yourself.

"Well, I have to go." You got up, pushing your chair in. He almost choked on his food.

"WHAT!? Your leaving!?" He looked at you, almost seeming mad.

"Yes? I have work today at the library-that's how I pay for everything." You sighed, grabbing your small backpack with your favorite pins on it.

"But I'll be alone!" He whined, holding back a suppressed growl, not wanting you to leave.

"No, you won't. Pumpkin will be here!" You smiled-your cat, Pumpkin, meowed from the couch. He grumbled, looking away.

"I'll be back. Stop being so dramatic!" You rolled your eyes, walking to the door.

"What time?" He was still looking away, but his tail was swaying anxiously.

"About 4 or 5. Why?" You hummed.

"So, I know how long I have to wait for." He grumbled. He seemed angry that you were leaving but mostly nervous. It was odd that most people could be okay being alone for a couple of hours, or maybe that was just you being alone in a cabin in the woods.

"I'll be back, watch TV or read a book! Bye Macaque! "You left going to your car and driving to work. You were definitely not looking forward to this. After listing to music, you saw work parking and turning your music off. You stepped out of your car, locked in, and walked inside.

It had been two hours since you left. Only 2 o'clock, you sighed as the person working with you insulted you for the however many times she had. He had called you lazy, several transphobic slurs, and insulted your weight. You were sure that he wasn't going to stop anytime soon. You lay your head on the desk, groaning.

"You, okay?" A voice spoke. You sat up quickly to see a frequent visitor.

"Hello, Mr. Tang." You smiled softly. He was always so lovely and told off anyone you dared talk to rudely.

"Hi Y/N! Is he bothering you again? I can give him knowledge on how to treat people with respect!" He glared at your co-worker.

"No no Mr. Tang its fine. How can I help you? Another Monkey King book?" You smiled. He smiled back.

"Actually, no, you see, I'm getting a book for my ki- friend." Tang chuckled. "You see, he ran into a demon and wanted to do more research on him. This was the only book I found for him." He sat down a dark purple book that read. 'The Six Eared Macaque,' you froze, remembering the demon monkey in your house.

"Y/N?" Tang asked worriedly.

"Yeah?" You shook off the feeling deciding not to tell him you knew the demon. Something told you it was a terrible idea.

"You good?" He looked at you questioningly.

"Yes, Yes, I'm fine just didn't sleep much last night, is all." You smiled, scanning the book.

"Well, sir, you need to sleep more tonight." He chuckled jokingly but definitely half serious. "Well, have a good rest of your day, Y/N!" He waved, leaving.

"Bye, Mr. Tang! You too!" You smiled as he left when he was gone. Your smile faded. He needed that book only a day after Macaque broke into your house. Now you have some questions, before you would have left them alone but now? Now that you just saw a book about him, especially, if Tang wanted it, it must be something significant.

Soon after long, draining hours, your shift ended, and you left quickly as your co-worker yelled at you. You jumped in the car and started driving home. It was still bright out as you drove. After a half hour, the forest was in view. You knew your house wasn't much farther. After 10 more minutes, you barked quickly, getting out, not even locking your car. You opened the door to see a black-furred monkey trying to rewrap his wounds.

"Macaque." Your voice sounded venomous. He seemed to jump, looking at the door.

"Y/N! Your back." He slightly smiled, but it dropped when he looked at your serious expression. "Yeah, I shouldn't have wrapped my wounds by myself, bu-" You cut him off.

"Where did you get those wounds." You slammed the door, walking toward him. He froze.

"Why?" Macaque's voice sounded dark, like he wanted to slit your throat.

"A good friend and customer of mine said he needed a book because his friend had run into a demon. The book had your name on it!" You made the 'your' in your sentence louder than any other word. He froze. Then snarled.

"Why does it matter? It didn't before!" he bared his teeth, and his tail lashed.

"If there is a book about you, then you're no ordinary demon!" You glared at him, unfazed by his feeble tricks to make you scared. "Not to mention this friend usually only focuses on Monkey king, which means you have a connec-" Before you finished, you felt a painful stinging on your face. You froze, feeling the blood trickle down your cheek.

"Don't. Ever. Speak. That. Fools. Name." His tail lashed behind him. He was standing now much taller than you. A shadow draped over his face making his eyes glow. You stared up at him. Tear welling in your eyes from pain and betrayal.

"Get. Out." You spoke calmly.

"What?" He stared at you in shock.

"I said, GET OUT!" You sobbed. Your yelling filled the house. He froze. "You hurt me! After I helped you! All I wanted was some answers!" You shouted, tears still streaming down your face.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, okay!?" Macaque shouted back.

"You don't accidentally hurt someone like this!" You screamed back. He seemed to take a deep breath.

"Fine." He glared as he seemed to disappear into the shadows. You tensed and fell next to the couch sobbing. Alone. Again. You felt something soft on your lap. Pumpkin. You pet his soft black fur.

Macaque x M!Reader ShadowyheartWhere stories live. Discover now