Unfamiliar room.

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Boh!Deruth opened his eyes to see him in a strange place, confused.

[Note: Tboah is so difficult to write, so, I just use Boh as Tboah.]

'Where is this?'


Tcf!Deruth opened his eyes to see him in a strange place, frowning.

He was sure that he was get kidnapped by the White Star.

'Is this another White Star base?  But why do I feel my body is fine?'

Tcf!Deruth is feeling better.



Deruth set foot calmly seeing him in an unfamiliar place.

Boh/Tcf Deruth looked at Deruth in shock.  It's because he looks young and has very long hair.

Deruth didn't see any danger, sitting on the sofa leisurely while the other Deruths were wary of their fellows.


Boh! Violan in a dress that looks elegant, and hair in a perfect bun looked around in confusion.


Boh!Violan was shocked to see 3 people look like her husband.


"Fake Hilsman, I will speak-"

Tcf!Violan who was wearing full armor looked around in confusion.

"Huh? Has anyone disguised themselves as you again?"

Tcf!Violan spoke in a cold tone.

"No, I'm confused too."


Deruth stood up and caught Violan who was falling from above in bride style.

"How did you fall from above?"

Violan has ponytail hair, looks young and has armor on her body.

"I jumped to attack the enemy and suddenly, I'm here."

Deruth nodded.

"Come down."

Violan hugged Deruth's neck tighter.

"How about no?"


Hearing someone coughing, Violan was startled and immediately got down from Deruth.

"What the hell!? Why are there 3 Deruth!?"

Deruth shook his head showing he didn't know either.


Tcf!Cale opened his eyes, and immediately felt tired.

'What is the god of death planning this time!?'

Tcf!Cale just closed his eyes as if he didn't want to know what was going on.


"Hic! Huh?"

Boh!Cale was confused looking around.  He just about to get beaten up by that crazy-looking black-haired man.

Deruth could see Boh!Cale's face which was red from Alcohol.


Boh!Cale avoided Boh!Deruth's gaze.

'Where is this!?'


"Woah! Wtf!?"

Cale also appeared from above and visibly lost his balance.

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