Day after

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This person pov

Marcio woke up earlier than Catalina to get the bath ready the next day. He knew she would be sore from last night, cause it was her first. A while later she woke up. She felt pain in her lower abdomen.

She then remembered what she did last night and didn't regret it. Soon later Marcio came out of the bathroom in a towel. "You up" "Yeah" he went to her and pulled back a strand of hair out of her face.

"You look so beautiful" Then he pecked her lips. She was caught off guard and she blushed. "You look cute when you blush" which made her redder. "You must be sore" "Yeah kinda" he picked her up and walked her to the bathroom.

"Yeah, where are you taking me" "To take a bath" " I can go there by my left" "Okay suit yourself" Then he placed her on her feet. As soon as her feet touch the ground she fell. Marcio wanted to laugh, but he went over and helped her.

"You see why I helped you" "Okay" He entered the bathroom with her and placed her in the bathtub. The water was a nice temperature so eas the soreness. Marcio entered from the back.

"What are you doing" "I'm bathing" "Can't you wait till I'm done" "No" She didn't bother arguing, cause she wasn't in the state to fight. Marcio looked down at her skin, which had his love mark on it.

He slowly traced his fingers over them. Then he placed his lips on them sucking them and leaving new marks on her. "Mar-Marcio does not know" "Why"

"We- we have to-to be down for-ah" Her words were now replaced with moans. Marcio smirked when he found her sweet spot. He then turned her around and then kissed her.

The kiss was rough yet passionate. She immediately replied. He got out of the bath and then went to the shower. He turned it on and then went back to kiss Catalina.

He kissed her all over. He played with her clit, making her want him more. After she came on his finger he placed his tip at her entrance and then placed it in giving her time to a gust.

He then started his pace going up and down making her a moaning mess.


After their shower sex. They got ready for breakfast. Catalina wore a turtle neck to cover the hickeys and jeans.

When Marcio saw her in it he asked, "Why are you hiding my marks" "I don't want anyone to know" "But I want them to see who you belong to" "I don't belong to anyone" "That's not what you were saying last night"

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When Marcio saw her in it he asked, "Why are you hiding my marks" "I don't want anyone to know" "But I want them to see who you belong to" "I don't belong to anyone" "That's not what you were saying last night"

She didn't say anything. She grabbed her phone and then went down to eat.

Catalina pov

I had no words for what he just said and I just gripped my phone and went down to eat. *I was a little amm shocked by what happened last night.* I can't believe I had sex with Marcio* *Maybe it's just a one-time thing, I shouldn't think about it too much of it, but should I* *Well I did give him my virginity, I think I should talk to him, to see what we are*

I didn't know I was already here until I heard, "Hey Catalina you okay... you seem caught up in your thoughts." Dallas said. "Ah yeah, I'm okay" "Well come over" I started walking over and sat.

I didn't say anything until Sofia said, " So I heard we're getting close to Italy" "Yeah, me too" Jane said. "So anyone happy to go there," Dallas said. "Yep," Nessa said. "Hey catty... your quite quiet today you sure you're okay," Sofia said.

"Yep" "Okay whatever you say" A while later I see Marcio walking in. He looked at me and winked. I felt myself blush, but hide it before anyone says. I looked away from him and try to engage myself in their conversation. 

They were talking about what they were going to do when we reached Italy. The question I have is where are we going to stay? I decide to get something to eat. Dallas and Nessa followed me, "So spill the beans" "Spill what" "We say Marcio wink at you..... what was that for" 

My face instantly turned red. "Why are you blushing.... what happens when he took you to your room" "Nothing" "We've known you for a long time you're a bad liar... so tell us" "Nothing really" "I don't believe you" "You don't have too" "And what with the turtle neck" 

"Nothing really" "Oookay" We went and got ourselves some toast. I went over to the juice area to get some orange juice. I walked there to see Marcio there. *Play cool pay cool* I grabbed a cup and pour some orange juice. 

"So you ignoring me now" "Hmm what" "Don't play dumb" "Let's talk about that later okay" "Sure whatever you say baby" "Don't say that here" "Why" "Whatever" I left him there without him saying another word.

I went to my table with my toast and juice. We ate in silence. 

Marcio pov

    After she left to go eat I got a call. 


Marcio: Hello

???: Stay away from Catalina if you know what is right for you

Marcio: Who are you-

I didn't get to say anything cause the person hung up. They think they can threaten me. I called Renard to ask him to track the number that just called me. 

I then got out of my room and went down to eat. I walked down and looked at Catalina I winked at her and saw her turn red. She should only blush for me.  I went to get something to eat and then sat down to eat it.

After a while, I decided to get some juice. I saw Catalina walking toward me. I could tell by her face she was trying to play it cool. "So you're ignoring me now" "Hmm what," she said. "Don't play dumb" "Let's talk about that later okay"

I decided to tease her and say, "Sure whatever you say baby" "Don't say that here" "Why" "Whatever" and then she left to go eat. 

I announced them to meet me in the lunge. One by one they went there. Catalina already left. *I wonder why* "So as you know we're close to Italy... most of you don't know Italian that's why I'm here... when we reach there will be a bus there... I'm not sure if everyone can fit so some of you will drive with me... understand" 

"Yes, Marcio!" "Okay go back your bags and meet me here... we'll be there in less than an hour" Then everyone left to go pack. I didn't see Catalina leave so I'm sure she's already in the room.



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Words: 1205

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