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Catalina pov

  I was a little nauseous on the first day of us being on the sea. I woke up with a  massive headache, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I came out of the bathroom to see Sanchez looking out the window. I wonder what he was looking at, but I didn't want a headache from looking down at the sea. I opened my suitcases to take out some clothes to wear. I took out some jeans and a shirt with my necessary thing too. "Are you going to the bathroom now?" he asks. "Ahh yes sir" "Don't call me sir, it makes me sound old" "So what should I call you," I asked.

"You can call me by my first name" "What is it si-ahh sorry" "Don't apologize I didn't tell you my name, so you can call me Marcio" "Okay si-Marcio, amm do everyone get to call you this si-Marcio" "No, not yet" "So I'm I the first person to call by your fist name here" "Well yes, but outside no" "Oh okay Marcio," I said. I kinda feel happy to be the first person he told his name but why? "Well go ahead I'll be waiting to use it too," he said. "Okay" then I walked into the bathroom.

I closed and locked the door. I turned the shower on until it turned to a warm temperature. I was thinking about what he had planned out for us on this trip. Well, yesterday was interesting but okay. The prizes we got yesterday were quite expensive, but who would he afford them on his salary? Unless he does other work? But what would he do other than this?  My mind had a lot of questions and I don't know who would answer them. Maybe he'll answer then, but I'm not sure. I got out of the shower dried myself and then placed my clothes on.

I came out of the bathroom and then went to my bag for some lotion. He got up and went into the bathroom. I sat down on my bed with my phone. I saw that I got a message from an unknown number saying, 'I'm watching you.' Well, that's creepy. Could someone be stalking me? But who? I think I should tell someone. I beep made me come out of my thought, it was from that number saying 'Don't even try to tell anyone.' I looked around the room to see if someone was watching me, but how would they be at sea?

I decided to text and say 'Who are you?' i didn't get a reply, but now that made me a little scared. Until I got a message saying 'Don't worry about that all you need to know is, that to stay away from Marcio' What do they mean? What's with Marcio? Is he hiding something? Is he a criminal? No no no he's just my professor. 'why?' i asked. Then it said 'if you want to live stay away' Now I was confused as hell. What the fuck is happening? I placed my phone down and was just thinking? What do they mean by if you want to stay alive?

I should really tell someone, but they said not to tell anyone. Should I listen or should I tell someone? I didn't know that Marcio came out until he said, "Hey you okay" that snapped me out of my thoughts and I said, "Yes I'm okay" "You seemed to be caught up in your thoughts, anything you want to share" "NO!" I practically shouted at him. "Don't need to shout, you okay" "yes I'm okay" "Okay whatever you say"

I got up and left to go eat breakfast. I was walking down the hall and I felt like someone was following me, so I looked back and saw nothing. I must be imagining things. I kept on walking, but I just had that feeling someone was following me. I started to walk faster to be in the lunge. I saw my friends there sitting down talking with their roomies. I walked over there and said, 'Well hello there" "hey Catalina," Sofia said. "Sit down," Nessa said. I sat and then they started to ask me questions.

"How did you know he was going to do the" "Who," I asked. "You know," she said. "Ohh Ma-Mr. Sanchez" I said. "Yeah Sanchez," she said. "I didn't I just thought on the question, before giving it to in" "Oh," she said. "So how's sharing a room with him," Dallas asked. 'It's okay, nothing much" "Really" "Yeah really"

"You were about to say something before you changed your wording to Mr. Sanchez, what was that" "No, I wasn't" "You know you're a bad liar right," she said. Well, it's true, but should I tell her? "So what were you going t say first" "Well, I was going to sayyyy" everyone got in close to hear what I was going to say "Marcio." They all looked shocked. I wonder why. "He told you his first name" "How do you know that's his first name," I asked. "No one knows his first name, because he never told us, but I heard hi same once when I was in the principles office"

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