Plan In Action

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Marcio pov

We have finally found their exact location and are just waiting to make the right move.

Things were so frustrating because every time we found their base they keep moving, as if someone is telling them our location.

*What if?"

"Sir, Xavier is calling you" Abigail came into my office to tell me. "okay," I said getting up and walking out leaving her in it.

As I walk to where Xavier is I just realized something Abigail shouldn't be here. I ran back to my office as quickly as lighting.

I open the door to see her looking through some of my files. "What are you doing?" I asked. She quickly got up and said, "Oh, Marcio it's not what you think."

Then Xavier came in breathing heavily. "Capo, there something has to tell you," he said. "I think I already know what you're going to say," I said looking at Abigail.

"Oh yeah... that's what I was going to say," he said looking at her too. "Why are you still in here?" I said.

"Marcio it's- ANSWER THE QUESTION" I interrupted her. I could see the fear coming of f of her. "That's it, Xavier calls some men to take her to the what it takes to crack her open."

"Marcio no wait let me explain," she said on her knees. I looked down at her waiting for the explanation, but nothing came.

I walked out the door, while Xavier wait for the rest to take her down with him. It's been her all along.

*I feel so stupid right now*

I walked to my room to bathe. I haven't had a good bath for the past weeks. I would just normally wipe off and head down to find her location.

Now that we know her location I feel relieved a little, but not too much though.

•2 hours later•

Xavier has been down with Abigail for the past 2 hours. While I'm having a meeting with the Jones family.

"Okay so the plan is set for tonight," Elliot asked."Yep, I have my men ready to attack," said. "I'll have mine just in case," he said.

I nodded my head and looked at my phone to see that Xavier wants me. "Got to go, Xavier needs me down there"

"May I ask whose down there" "Our mole we've been looking for" I said. "I'm coming to see who it is," he said.

"Okay, fine with me," I said then we got up and head down to the basement.

Third person pov

As they walk down the hallway to the basement. Cells of people could be seen both on their left and right. They were not just regular people.

They were criminals that cause unnecessary crimes when they were free. Killing Innocent lives, kidnapping, and also rapping sweet children.

Marcio captured them and punished them for their evil deed. Even though he may run a mafia and so he never killed innocent lives or put them in danger and most of all he doesn't do human trafficking.

He never saw the means to do that. It was just wrong in his eyes. He walked into her cell to see that she was unconscious in the chair.

There was blood dripping out of her nose and busses everywhere. I looked over to see Xavier talking with Tiana.

Tiana is one of Marcio's best female fighters and is responsible when it comes to beating women because Marcio doesn't hit women.

One thing she learned from him, mother. He walked up to them and asked, "Did you get anything from her."

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