Chapter 14

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Note: OVER 1K READS!! Thank you so much guys!! I'm having such a good time writing this story, I think it's really coming together :) Remember to comment and vote and stuff. Let me know what you think. It's super motivating. Enjoy the chapter ;)

(End of Note)


The tiny window let in just enough light to keep me from going insane from the darkness. And everything about my situation was enough to drive me insane; from the indestructible metal door to the hole in the ground that destroyed my waste after my bowel movements.

It had almost been nearly three days since we reached the military base, and I still had no idea what my fate would be. It seemed like Rem didn't know either.

"You awake?" I sat on the ground, my back to the wall where his cell met mine.

"No," he grunted.

"Any idea how much longer we'll be stuck here?" I asked for the mph-teenth time. He snorted.

"For a smart guy, you really are an idiot sometimes."

"So you've told me." I closed my eyes. There was nothing to do, but sit here and rest and I was so incredibly tired of resting.

"I thought getting off planet was supposed to be the easy part of all of this," I said mostly to myself. I didn't expect an answer, but he scoffed at me anyway.

"Poor, brainiac," he said. "Whatever will he do since no one wants to give him a free ride?"

"As much as you'd love to think that I'm some pompous, spoiled desk jockey who's never had to sweat a day in his life, that's simply not true." I deadpanned.

"I know you've sweat. You were soaked in it by the time you dragged yourself out of that forest." 

"And you can't even take me seriously for two minutes," I replied. I heard him moving around in his cell, probably pacing again. Confinement wasn't doing him any favors either. He'd been irritable on day one and angry on day two.

Now, he's settled into a mixture of both that was enough to make this cell seem even more confining.

"A little hard to take you seriously when you and your identity crisis got us in this position to begin with." 

I rolled my eyes though I felt a familiar pang in my chest.

"It's not my fault she got away," I sighed.

"You shouldn't have grabbed her in the first place," he growled.

"Well, at least now she'll have a chance. Seems like your trigger-happy CO would have stepped on her days ago," I shot back.

"Let me remind you that there's a one hundred percent chance they're recording us right now. I suggest that you tread very carefully, genius."

I bit my tongue to keep myself from telling Rem that I know we're being recorded and I still do not care and that his commanding officer should be smart enough to figure out that we had nothing to do with the bombings and that we wouldn't be locked in a cell block if he'd stop being a robotic soldier and thought on his own long enough to figure out that mentioning Kriss to him would end badly for both of us.

No, I did not tell him that.

I tasted blood in my mouth.

The thought of Kriss pained me. I stopped being surprised by the feeling and surrendered myself to acceptance. It was likely she was dead. If she fell into that pit while I was pulling Rem out, then there was no way she would have been be able to keep herself from sinking and suffocating. She would have been scared and confused and determined to fight off her eminent death. All while I was close enough to save her and she was too minuscule to get my attention.

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