Chapter 32

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A/N: I'm already a week behind schedule! Sorry! Also, I made an instagram account. The link will be on my page if you'd like to follow and support. Enjoy the chapter!



"We're leaving in the morning," a voice whispered. "You should come with us, it's not like you'll be able to run anywhere, and I doubt everyone else is going to be able to settle down somewhere any time soon"

I blinked blearily. I was splayed out on one of the cots in the med tent. I vaguely remember settling in for the night when the camp's 'discussion' dragged on well past what felt like late into the night. Not that we had any clocks or a way to see the sky.

I rolled my head towards the voice.

A flash of purple hair glowed in the candlelight.

"You have to talk sometime, Connor. This is getting ridiculous." Audrey released an exasperated breath. "Ash and I are both packed and ready to go. Pax and Zoe and Hudson are coming too. Even Marcus and Owen have enough sense to join us."

Aud waited for a response he would not give.

"That's it then?" Audrey threw up her hands. "Not only do you want to stay down here like a sewer rat, but you're going to be a mute sewer rat too now? Is that what you want?" She growled at his silence. "You're gonna stay down and let the giants destroy what's left of the world?"

"Shut up, Aud." Connor's voice came out rough, sounding like...well it sounded like he'd been screaming for hours.She barked a humorless laugh.

"I'm not going to shut up. Snap out of it, Connor. We don't have time for this." Aud scoffed.

"No, I don't have time for this." Connor said, attempting to sit up. "In fact, I don't have time at all. I'm basically dead already."

"Don't say that" she waved him off. "You'll be fine."

"Stop pretending like you don't know!" Connor raised his voice.

"Oh yeah? What exactly do you think I know?"

"How many amputees have you seen since the world ended, Aud? How many?"

"That doesn't matter–"

"Zero," he cut her off. "You haven't seen any because none have lasted this long! Face it, I'm as good as dead now."

"Then it's good we just found another option besides running and hiding, isn't it?"

"Don't be gullible, Aud. It doesn't suit you."

"Gullible," Audrey chuckled darkly.  "After everything we've been through, you think I'm gullible? Look around you, Connor. Eventually, we're going to die down here. I'm being realistic. I'm not stupid. I'm not gonna blindly trust some freaky alien robot, but what other choice do we have? Are you really so stubborn that you're going to sit here and die? After everything?"

The silence was heavy this time. I tried not to make a sound to break it.

"That's it, isn't it?" Aud's voice was thick with tears. "After everything we've been through, you're okay with giving up."

Connor's sighed softly, "Audrey..."

"You're going to run away again, only this time you won't be able to run fast enough or hide well enough to escape. And you're going to die," she choked on the last word. "Just like almost everyone else in the world. But I guess it doesn't matter since everyone's decided that we've already lost anyway. So what's the point, huh? Might as well rip the bandaid off and give up. Either we run and die, or accept the offer and die, or wait around here and die." She was sobbing now. "We're all going to die, aren't we? And you're going to give up and leave me just when I found a reason to live. Go ahead. None of it matters since we're dead anyway. I'm sure I won't be far behind you."

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