no more parties.

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- India pov

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- India pov

I was laying down in my bed after I just woke up from a good ass nap. Why did I have to wake up ? i tried to go back to sleep but that's when my phone started ringing , I picked up my phone looking at a incoming FaceTime call from my best friend Jayda , I answered as the call revealed jayda's big headed ass.

" heyyyy bitch , why is you still ina bed and there's a party over at baby house ? " Jayda yelled into the phone

" I'm not worried bout no party girl." I told her as I let out a low yawn

Jayda started looking around as she yelled into the phone once again " what is this ? India royale not wanting to go outtttt ? " she started laughing

I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes " I'm sorry but I'm just to tired and don't feel like partying " I mumbled.

" please bestie you know I love hanging around baby and his friends " she whined.

eventually I gave in and let out a sigh , getting up out the bed " fine I'll go mmcht, I'll see you later lil girl " and with that being said i hung up on her.

I grabbed my stuff to go shower but that's when my door bell rung.

Who the hell at this door ?

I walked downstairs to the door , opening it only to see booka. Booka is my best friend , we grew up together around oblock and he always been there for me.

" wsg lil bit " booka said as he hugged me while he tried to be sneaky and rub on my butt.

" hey booka " I said as I popped his hand.

" damn I see how you moving " booka said laughing , while walking to the couch

booka always tried to flirt with me , he's fine and all that but I don't want to ruin our friendship.

I closed the door and walked over to booka " I was just finna head in the shower , but you can stay down here until I'm done "

Booka looked up at me and nodded his head as he watched my butt move while I walked away , I could feel him looking but I just didn't say anything.

- 1hour later

I was sitting on my bed in a towel on my phone scrolling on ig as booka walked up to my room.

" damn it took you that long to wash that lil fish " he blurted out.

I looked at him and threw my slides at him " stop fuckin with me booka , it's time for you to go anyway " I said rolling my eyes.

" bet , you sliding to baby party though ? " booka said smiling.

" yea Jayda basically forced me to go but Ian stressin "  I said getting up , going to my closet closing it getting dressed.

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