Chapter Twenty Eight

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28. The Last Time

'perhaps one day we will meet again,
as characters in a different story.
maybe we'll share a lifetime then.'


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  Daryl coughed loudly and rolled his shoulders. His muscles were tense and stiff, and god damn he would kill for a cigarette right now. He marched through the woods with Veronica, hopeless and pissed off that he lost his bow and motorcycle.

  Hell, could he even say it was his? It was the one thing of Merle's he made sure to keep all that time ago in the quarry. He shook the memories from his head, choosing to focus on the setting sun filtering through the trees. Cardinals and blue jays sang happily above them, almost rubbing it in his face that their lives were good today.

  The woman next to him smiled to herself, and he wondered why but wouldn't dare ask. Nothing she could say would change how downright pissed off he was right now. Though as if she read his thoughts, she cleared her throat softly.

  "I was just thinking, I get why you and Zepp get along so well," she murmured, shielding her eyes from the slowly fading sun.

  He glanced her way and raised an eyebrow, saying nothing but giving her the silent go ahead to explain.

  "You're the same person," she smiled, a bit sadly.

  His chest warmed at that thought, but he questioned it all the same.

  His mood lifted just a little, though.

  They continued their sad trek home, a quiet comfort surrounding them. After a few miles, they reached the abandoned highway they came from, and what they saw almost made Daryl grin.

  Sitting in the middle of the road was a large, military-grade truck with tires so big they reached Daryl's waist. Sasha and Abraham leaned happily against its side, loaded with guns and smiling, Abe in a good old fashioned veteran's suit.

  "Howdy," he saluted the two. "Don't look so happy to see us, now."

  Veronica beamed and jogged out of the forest, throwing her arms around Abraham's wide neck. He squeezed her back and chuckled, rubbing the top of her head like someone would do to their baby sister. She released her hold on him and moved to Sasha, hugging her just as tightly. Daryl stood to the side, his gaze swimming over the truck and the tree line behind it.

  "Whaddya think? Fancy taking this bad boy for a ride?" Abraham grinned, slapping his hand twice against the side.

  "Let's go," Daryl agreed quietly as they hopped in, uninterested in chatting any longer. The truck roared down the road back towards home, but even that noise wouldn't drown out his thoughts. His mind was filled to the brim with the pictures of home, of Rick... Zeppelin. 

The Archer and The Airship » 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒𝕝𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕕 «Where stories live. Discover now