Chapter Thirty Three

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33. Everything Changes

 Everything Changes

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The trio followed Eugene's directions down a rural highway, winding and twisting through the overgrown country side. Daryl kept his grumbling to himself when he noticed Zepp enjoying the songs Rick played, but god, it was getting on his nerves. She tapped her fingers against her leg and he caught sight of the twine bracelet he had made for her still adorning her wrist. He felt a warmth spread through his chest and into his abdomen, and he almost cracked a smile.

God, he actually smiled around her. In the time he's known her, he's smiled more than he had the whole rest of his life. His mind was a jumbled mess since their kiss, all of his thoughts scrambling around one vision of her. He didn't get any sleep last night, instead sitting on the porch swing leaned back with his hands behind his head, wondering if she was thinking the same things he was.

Another twangy rockabilly song started and he rolled his eyes, turning to look out the window. At least the weather was nice today. The sky was bright and clear, the sun was shining strong, and the wind was just right.

After close to an hour, they pulled off to the side in the parking lot of the small red building that had 'SORGHUM' printed on the garage door. At least Eugene's ramblings were useful this time, he huffed to himself. Rick jumped out of the car, Zepp and Daryl following slowly behind. He wandered around the side, pistol at the ready, while Daryl fumbled with the tools in his bag.

"Hey, hold up!" he called out to him as he took out the crowbar. "Best to be safe." Zepp nodded and raised her handgun, her face stern and stoic. "You cover me?" he asked her anyway, though he knew the answer.

"Always," she nodded.

Rick joined them as Daryl pried open the door, sliding it up and open with a sharp screech. A faded white delivery truck was parked in the center, almost taking up all of the space. Rick and Zepp checked either side while Daryl watched their backs, his eyes focused on her.

"Good," she murmured and came to stand beside him. "Not locked," she pointed towards the rusted latch on the back of the truck.

  "Law of averages," Rick grinned. Daryl rolled his eyes as he took a mental inventory of the truck. Pallets stacked high with canned goods, sugar and flour, gallons of water, he even saw toiletries and candy. It was their biggest find yet, and something inside him screamed it wouldn't be as easy as it seemed.

"Let's get this thing going," Rick tossed their way, swinging open the driver's side door. "Grab our gear, come back for the car later." Zepp was already grabbing their bags and extra weapons out of the car, tossing them in the cab of the truck.

"Take another way back," she commented. "Let's see what we can see. Think it'll start?" She pulled her hair away from her neck, sweeping it behind her.

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