Chapter 7

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hey guys, I'm not sure anyone is still reading. But if you are I admire your patience lol. So quick update: the book is now called Jackson instead of nerdy Jackson and my username has changed sooo enjoyyy. More updates coming up this week.


There's a point in our lives or a moment, where we battle the thought of losing someone who we thought would be there forever. People enter our lives unexpectedly and most times they also leave when we least expect it. Eventually, we realize that not many of those individuals we hold close to our hearts will be there forever; that's okay. However, some people we don't ever want to see leave what you had behind...

It's been a week since jippy and I last spoke. Ever since that moment in our school's parking lot, our friendship has not been the same. She avoids me at every chance she gets, and really, I don't blame her. I would've probably reacted likewise if I was in her position. That still doesn't make her behavior logical though.

I mean come on, get real, just because she caught me having a harmless conversation with her crush, points to the fact that I like him?

Jippy has a slow-witted way of analyzing things, whether she wants to admit that or not.

At first, it was cute but now it's slightly irritating to behave in such an irrational way on a trivial matter.

Does she even trust me?

Sighing, I blinked to focus my attention on the roof I'd been staring at for the past hour, contemplating our friendship. I rolled over on my dark silk sheets to check my phone that was resting on my desk.

Zero notifications met my weary eyes as I blankly gazed at my phone.

Well.. zero notifications from Jippy. The misery I've been bearing deepened when I caught a glimpse of my wallpaper.

It was a picture of Essy, Jippy, and I at the Eiffel tower last summer, grinning our worries away while embracing each other.

A regretful smile soon replaced my dejected look as I replayed the memories of last summer in my head... Repeatedly.

The faint sound of someone clearing their throat pulled me from my thoughts. Essy leaned at my doorway for support, while attempting to comfort me with a smile.

"You're not doing too good are you?" 

I stayed silent as I nonchalantly fiddled with my bed sheets. Soon enough, my bed slightly caving in, alerted me of essy's presence beside me. 

'' You know, just because she hasn't reached out to doesn't mean the friendship between you two is done with." A moment of silence passed between us while essy mindlessly stroked my hair.  " we both know, that Jippy thinks a little differently than the both of us; she just needs a little clarity that's all."

I shifted my body away from her to conceal my trembling lips and the single tear that trailed across my cheek. It wasn't long after that a sigh filled the silent bedroom, which was soon followed by her leaving.

That was all it took...

That was all it took for me to release all the pain and betrayal I felt from not having the trust you thought you gained years ago from your best friend.

The familiar hum of my ringtone pulled me from my tear session. I ignored it as it rang for the first three times. however, finally, I obliged and rolled over to answer the phone. William's name flashed repeatedly across my phone screen while my finger lazily dragged across it to pick up.

"What?" I winced at the sound of my groggy voice and finally sat up.

the line went ghost for a few seconds before William responded, "Woah.. what's up with you?"

I internally rolled my eyes at the concern he had for me laced in his tone. Call me ungrateful, but you'd react the same way if all you have been exposed to is pity from your peers and family for days.

Regardless I chose to lie to Willian anyway by telling him I was just sleeping. " okay boss lady, anyway I  was wondering if we could meet up to talk since we haven't in a while. But it's okay if you don't want to.."

I glanced at the clock on the wall in front of me before I considered William's offer. "okay sure," I agreed meanwhile releasing the grip that I wasn't aware I had on my hair.

"great! I'll text you the details."

I hung up without even responding.

Yes, I'm aware that I'm not exactly acting fair right now, but you'd do the same if you were in my position... or maybe not.

Hauling myself from the force my bed had on me, I trudged to the full-length mirror in the corner of my room. My lips formed into a pout as observed my facial features in the mirror. My blond hair was almost completely out of the low bun I placed it in a few days ago. Underneath my eyes has become the home of dark circles and wrinkles that I'm not supposed to be seeing until another thirty years. The oversized sweatshirt that I owned since freshman year, slightly glided off my shoulders, exposing my pale skin. To summarize, I highly resembled a vampire... not the pretty kind though.

"Why are you doing this to yourself, Rebecca?"

Ignoring my appearance, I sauntered over to my varnished hardwood closet which was big enough to provide space for hundreds of clothing items. I skimmed my fingers along a pink and white plaid skirt with a matching crop top. It wasn't to my liking as I strutted over to the other side of my walk-in closet where the maid organized my dresses. 

Just as I was about to give up, a lavender bodycon turtle neck caught my attention and I decided to pair it with some white Nikes. As I finalized my outfit I laid out all the pieces on my bed before I journeyed to the bathroom for a long warm shower. 


I fumbled to get my car keys out of my purse as I hurried down the bricked driveway.

"Going out to take a stroll, Ms. Rebecca?" 

throwing on my best dazzling smile, I turned to briefly greet the family butler who took care of me since I was in diapers.

"No, I'm going out to meet a friend; I'll be back soon though."

taking advantage of the moment, I notice that Mr. Bartley's hair is starting to gray. his face hosts many more wrinkles than I remember him having. 

"Would you like me to take you?" he smiled as he carefully took my purse and walked away before I could respond.

I stared after him in disbelief but soon trailed behind him. My mind soon started throwing unanswered questions at me.

I wonder what William wants to talk about...

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