Chapter 2

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Weird is just a side effect of awesome!

Jackson's P.O.V

Why is everyone looking at me?

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Why is everyone looking at me?

Like literally staring right at my face. They're turning around and using their beady eyes to look directly at me. They haven't noticed my entire existence before so why now?

Especially this one girl that's been glancing at me the entire physics session. She probably thinks that I didn't notice her but I did. I mean she's attractive but I'm not the type of person that enjoys attention.

I'd rather be alone in my room, with the television full blast while reading a book.

How do I concentrate enough to read in the noise you may ask?

Well, the answer is pretty simple, I just.... do it.
I'm not easily distracted by anything so that's probably why it's so natural for me.

Anyway, I'm new to this prison they call a school. I bribed my physics teacher, Mrs. Shaw, to say that I transferred from my old physics class because I didn't want the extra attention drawn to me being 'the new kid' and so I slapped a couple of dollars on her purse to keep her mouth shut.

I think I'm doing a pretty good job going unnoticed. So far no one realized that I'm new which I'm so thankful for.

Hearing the bell ring signaling lunch, I grabbed my belongings and went on my way to my locker.

It's as if time slowed down as soon as I stepped out of the class. Every single head present in the hallway turned in my direction. Trying my best to avoid their taunting stares, I placed my gaze on my sneakers as I walked.

"Hey, moron!"

As soon as I looked up a ball collided with my face, causing me to stumble backward.

"Oh come on guys, I think we're all in high school. How about we grow up?" I raised an eyebrow with my hand up in surrender.

I guess I shouldn't have said that because as soon as I said it, I was pinned up against a locker with my face smushed against it.

"You wanna say that again nerd?"

I had a hard time trying to see the person who held me in this painful position, but the thing I discovered was their horrible breath, which caused my nose to wrinkle up.

Whoever this person is needed a serious dental check.

"Uh..." I struggled to catch my breath. "Even if I wanted to I can't because my freaking face is smushed against a smelly locker!"

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