Chapter 6

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We've been in class for almost an hour and Jippy has been ignoring me. I've tried to get her attention but she's been quietly staring at her hands.

I'm worried. ...
Jippy isn't usually like this. Hopefully, she doesn't think that I have a crush on Jackson or anything like that. It was just a simple conversation.

I think.

Jippy needs to understand that I'm not the type of person to do something like that.

"... Then you multiply the coefficients to get your final answer."

I was broken from my thoughts by the chemistry teacher's voice, whose class I forgot I was in.

Soon enough the bell rang signaling the end of class and everyone filed in a single line to leave.

Once I was completely outside of the classroom, I locked eyes with Jippy who instantly stepped faster. Tired of speed walking, eventually I jogged to catch up with her and gently pulled on her elbow.

"What's your problem!"

"You are my problem Jippy!" I exclaimed in frustration.

She raised an eyebrow before speaking, "Seriously? Why is everything suddenly my fault? What did I do this time?"

"Why were you ignoring me in chemistry class?"

"Me?," She scoffed, "I was not ignoring you, Becca."

I shifted my weight to my right leg and pursed my lips, slowly becoming annoyed with her behavior. "What do you call not answering your birth name when someone calls you then?"

"Jessy I don't want to talk about this right now," she sighed.

"Well, when do you want to talk about it!" I screeched, "When our friendship is completely ruined because of one guy?"

She perked up immediately. "What? This has nothing to do with Jackson."

"Who said it had anything to do with him?" I smirked.

Jippy merely just rolled her eyes and brushed her blonde hair behind her ears.

"I'm fine okay, I'm not bothered by you talking to Jackson."

"Well, you could have fooled me" I muttered.


"Nothing," I said dismissively, "Look if this wasn't about Jackson then what is it about?"

"I don't know okay!"

My left eyebrow subconsciously twitched upwards but as I was about to say something I was interrupted by the bell.

"See you at class" Jippy mumbled as she walked away.

What on God's earth is wrong with this chick?


After a timely visit to the restroom, I made my way to our next lesson for the day which so happened to be biology.

I was already five minutes late for class so I hastened my footsteps.

However, upon arriving, I was surprised that class already have begun, and not only that but I was stunned to see that Jippy was in full conversation mode with Jackson.

I ignored the rather strange sight and looked around the classroom just to see that the only vacant seat was directly in front of Jackson and Jippy.
I mean, to be honest, I was delighted to know that I'll be in close hearing range of their conversation.

I respectfully greeted the teacher and took a seat. 

The class continued but the conversation didn't cease. So I leaned back in my seat and eavesdropped

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