School Comes First

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I look up and into the person's eyes, only to recognize him as the guy I ran into at the color clothes store.

"I guess you didn't mean it then."

He laughs nervously with a pained smile, and then it hits me. A beach ball.


He's... defending me? I look back up at him and think of some excuse because I genuinely feel bad for not meaning it, but I don't want him to know I did it to get to his cute friend.

"Hey, Seungmin right?"

He turns back to me confused.

"I'm sorry I didn't text, when I got home I went to sleep, I guess after that I completely forgot everything that had happened at the store, I don't really have any friends other than my friend Minji..."

I look around for her only to see her flirting with the guy named Chan that Seungmin had just finished yelling at.

"Her over there, and we don't really text each other since we live on the same street, so I don't really know who all is even in my phone since I'm never on it to begin with. Why don't I give you my number instead and you can text me?"

He smiles the same way he did that day we ran into each other. Then he climbs out of the pool, to grab his phone. I could've sworn something had changed for a second, almost like things were less black and white and grey, but that could just be my imagination. He waves me over to him and I jump out after him. As I walk over I see he was with a few people, including his cute friend.

"Junhee, how about you and Minji hang out with us for a bit, become the 9th and 10th members of our friend group? It's only the 8 of us and we need a couple of new friends for school in case we get split up during the new semester."


I don't know what to say. These guys... they aren't the worst looking, but if I suddenly had more friends my parents would expect me to go out more, especially if they're guys. But there's also Minji, and she doesn't have any friends other than me too, and she seems to really like that Chan guy... I guess I should say okay for her... definitely not because of the cute guy staring at his phone in front of me that isn't Seungmin.

"Yeah, sure, why not! We could probably do some good having more friends than just the two of us going into a new school too honestly, I didn't want to tell her how unlikely it would be that the 2 of us would be in the same class."

"Wait, you guys are each other's only friends?"

The cute guy piped up. His long hair fit him so well and his sharp eyes showed worry... Oh my goodness he's pretty.

"Y-yeah, it's always just been me and her, all the pretty girls at school would bully us and make fun of us saying that if we could tell a difference we would have to wear makeup since without it we looked like a dumpster fire."

I have no clue why I just trauma dumped on him. My face gets hot and I'm sure he could see a color change, then I hear a gasp from two adults behind me.

"Junhee are you... Talking to a guy?"

My mother! Mom no!

"I uh well I hm."

That's all I could utter because how was I going to explain this to her without her getting excited with my father. But then they just walk away. They just turned around, and walked away. What the heck?!

"Well that was weird."

I didn't mean to say it out loud but I did anyway. It earned me a look from the guy with the hair. Until I know his name, he's going to be known as the hair guy.

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