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A/N: This part depicts violence and talks about traumatic situations, so please read at your own discretion! In no way does this story show my thoughts/wishes/or ideas involving any members/people depicted, and in no way is it associated with them. I wrote this story for fun and that's all it is! It's getting a bit suspenseful... be careful, stay safe, and have fun!

"What the hell were you thinking Junhee?! You could have gotten hurt, or worse, killed."

"I'm sorry Seungmin, but we can't live in hiding forever, we have to figure this out, and I couldn't just leave Minji there. It was going to happen one day anyway, whether you like it or not. Let's just get through these damn files and learn whatever we can about this."

He frowns and looks disappointed, it hurts that he is looking at me like this, but I can't let myself falter, not even slightly, I did this, I won't be ridiculed for it because I saved my best friend's life and we might be able to save more people. I open the first folder and gasp. It has our names in it, along with all our classmates and the people I grew up with, all the girls in my classes, and all the boys in their classes.

"Lim Junhee - Unusual: Despises colors, prone to seeing them early, may be able to fight them back.
Choi Minji - Unusual: Prone to love at first sight, will be seeing colors early, keep eyes on her
Christopher 'Chan' Bang- Prone to love at first sight, will fall in love easier than falling asleep, watch him closely
Lee Minho - Unusual: May fall in love with same gender, prone to falling easily, can run away at any moment, watch him closely (grandmother is suspected of crimes against the government and potentially attempting to steal legal documents)
Kim Seungmin - Unusual: Prone to love at first sight, will protect those he loves but will die for the one he falls in love with
Shin Minha - Normal: School bully and ring leader, make sure she is well protected, hyper sensitive
Lim Kangju - Normal: Follower, will do whatever Shin Minha says to do, protect her
Yang Jeongin - Normal: Sweet and innocent, protect him from his friends who are unusuals
Lee 'Felix' Yongbok - Normal: Kind and caring, protect him from his friends who are unusuals
Han Jisung - Unusual: May fall in love with same gender, prone to falling easily, watch him closely
Hwang Hyunjin - Unusual: May be able to fall in love more than once, possibly able to lose the colors once he's fallen out of love or lost the one he loves, watch him closely
Seo Changbin - Normal ?: Might be unusual, unknown
Jeon Jungkook - Normal: Unknown..."

The list kept going, but the part that bothers me most, is that they put me first on the list. I never did know what my parents did for work, but now I'm thinking that it may have something to do with the guards turning to me specifically.

"Junhee... can I talk to you in another room?"

Minji is looking at me and it's the first time she's spoken since we got back last night. I nod and stand up, then remembered what happened a few years ago and go to pick her up, only for her to stand up on her own and walk out of the room... with her feet attached? They weren't prosthetics, they're her actual feet, the same ones that got cut off at the school.

"Junhee... why did you come for me? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me. Your mom told me you abandoned me and left me without looking back, then she told me she would protect me and brought me to that building after giving me some water."

"Minji, I would never abandon you. She told me that you bled out. I left you at the hospital because I had faith they'd help you heal and that we would go back for you, but when she called and told me you died, we went on to plan out a way to find out what was really going on, because all of that, that was all messed up and very strange. We learned during our planning that you were still alive, and obviously we couldn't tell you we were coming, so we just followed through with our plan and sidetracked to bring you with us. We would have never left you there if we knew you were alive."

"Junhee... they did horrible things to me. For years they tested on me, they found out I lost the ability to see colors after a year with no word about or from you. They did more testing on me, they were testing on other people in there, they reattached my feet sure that's one good thing they did for me, but they left me locked in that room alone aside from the cameras and 'doctors' coming in every now and then. They pricked me with needles all day every day, they scanned me I don't know how many times, and they always said it's 'for the greater good' and to 'find out what makes me unusual' and to try and stop others from being unusual. When you came for me I thought it was someone taking me to a new place to do more tests on me. I can't express how terrified I was until Chan showed me his face and then threw me on his back after covering his face again. Then I saw you running behind us and thought he joined a gang until you announced that it was you and that you were alive. Until that moment I had only one thought 'Chan was going to kill me' because they kept calling him unusual and kept saying things about you being dead, and him being the one who killed you... it was so much for so long. Now that I'm here I have no idea how to feel or what to do. I just... I feel numb. The colors haven't come back for me either, and I think it's because I'm too broken from the last three years of nothing from anyone outside the building. Oh and your mom was working there, she was testing on me a lot herself."

That last statement left me stunned. She lied to me my entire life about things being good, about there being no reason to worry, she lied to me about my best friend dying, then she was the one committing the crimes against her in hiding. She's the reason I was being watched at the schools I bet, and I bet she's the one who wrote those files. Now it's a matter of taking her down and bringing down the patriarchy at this point.

"Minji just rest alright? I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. Go rest and relax, I'll send Mrs. Lee in to talk to you later about what all goes on in her house and what to expect, for now nap."

My mom is going to pay, but not before I figure out what my dad has to do with it. He always said he worked with her, and unless I know his role, I won't move forward with anything. I walk out into the hallway and stare at the ground as I walk to think. I bump into someone and fall over.

"Oh, I'm so-"

"Sorry? We're here again?"

Seungmin. I look at him and his screwed up face that looks as if he wants to be mad but can't be.

"Seungmin my mom works there and is one of the people who does the terrible things to the people there, and more than that, I've been able to see colors for years now and haven't told you."

He nods along with me saying that then does a double take.

"You WHAT?!"

I make a run for it and head into the back garden to hide in the sunflower patch. There's a small bench hidden in the middle of the sunflowers that I hide at when I do something goofy or just want some alone time since the house is crawling with boys and people and sometimes I just want time to me. I hear his footsteps coming closer and closer and I can see him stop right in front of me. He turns a little and then faces the flowers. I duck farther into the patch and his head pokes into the little block of flowers. I see him looking for me, a big smile on his face, one I haven't seen since he saw the pile of folders this morning and I melt a little. Then he looks where I'm hiding and I'm pretty sure he locked eyes with me because he jumps and tackles me to the ground with him on top of me pinning me to the ground by the shoulders.

"So this is where you hide from us. Cute."

He bends down and laughs with his face close to mine. Then he climbs off of me and pulls me up. I guess my next plan will have to involve him.

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