The Shirt

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My mind is completely blank, all I can do is stare at him. I shake my head to clear my blankness and just turn and nod at the older lady who is watching intently. She smiles and asks me to speak my answer because that could mean anything.

"Yeah- yeah he can sleep in my room with me, I'd feel bad making him sleep on something not a bed, especially after all he's done for me the passed few days."

She smiles wider and sends us off to bed. While we walk he bumps me with his arm.

"You know, if you don't want me to sleep in there I'd be alright sleeping on a couch somewhere."

"No, seriously, it's alright, I don't mind at all. Really."

"You sure? I can genuinely sleep somewhere else if you want me to."

"Seungmin. It's alright, I really don't mind. Just... go sleep alright?"

He won't look at me but that's not stopping me from looking at him and seeing the smile spreading over his face. He's almost so puppylike that I find him... kind of cute. My eyes widen as I realize there's something different about his shirt, it's not grey anymore, but things around us are still grey for me. I look away and walk faster to the room.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, just really tired."

I swing open the door to my room and hop into the bed without turning and toss the blanket over me dramatically to avoid looking at him anymore. My eyes must be playing a trick on me, that wasn't color, it was another shade of grey I'm not used to seeing.


The next morning I'm woken up to the sound of someone sitting on the edge of my bed. I peak my head up just enough to see the back of Seungmin looking like he got stuck in his shirt. Then he whimpers and I realize he's actually stuck. I quickly get up and go in front of him, then pull the shirt over his head to help him get it off. It was very clearly 2 sizes too small for him but he still tried to put it on. I laugh a bit and look at him, he's pretty dark in the face trying to cover himself, then I realize what happened.

"Uh, here let me find you a new shirt, one that will fit you."

I turn around and find the dresser with all the clothes he's supposed to wear and find a shirt similar to the one I'm holding but just a little bigger in size, then I go back to him and hand it to him to put on. He slides it over his head and walks over to his bed to hide and I go over to my own dresser to find an outfit for me. They all appear to be similar to the color of my shirt, and I pick out a skirt and crop top to wear, then go to the changing cover to slip on the clothes. Once done I step out and find my slippers.

Seungmin joins me in the hall and looks at me for the first time since last night, he didn't even look at me when I took the shirt off of him.

"You look nice Junhee."

"Oh... uh... thank you? You look nice too."

I can't help but think back to just a moment ago and think of what I said as an understatement and smack my forehead to stop the thoughts from happening. I need to keep my mind clear, I need to figure out what's going on and I need to get my head out of my dirty thoughts. He's just a friend, he's just a friend, he's just a friend...

"Junhee! Seungmin! Good on you guys to join us for breakfast before going to your study rooms for classes."

The older woman greets us and shows us where our seats are and has us eats. It's not very hard to find, since it's the same as last night's seats. We eat and chat with our friends and then the older lady gets our attention.

"You will all be split into 2 groups for studies, 5 will go to one room and the other 4 will go to the other room. Seungmin, Junhee, Chan, Jeongin, and Hyunjin will go to the first room with my brother and Felix, Changbin, Jisung and Minho will go to the second room."

Chan and Seungmin look at me, one heartbroken and one happy and my heart sinks, one was my best friend's first love and the other is the cute guy I'm trying so hard not to fall for. The color of Seungmin's shirt is getting ever so slightly brighter as time goes on but nothing else is becoming more noticeable. It's almost like the world around us is black and white while the color is just between us. The romantic thought shoots the rest of the color on Seungmin through my eyes, but no other color shows itself and it becomes clear to me... I'm falling for this boy that I barely know.

We walk in silence to our room and Mr. Lee directs us into the room and follows behind us.

"Today we will focus on color studies. Chan, you are able to see colors right?"

Chan nods sadly, and the brother steps in front of him. He bends down with a gentle look in his eyes.

"Do you actually think she's gone? Do you truly believe it? Or is something nagging, yelling that it's a lie? Or do you think that's a lie itself?"

Chan looks at him angrily.

"Junhee's mom told her she bled out in the hospital, she said she's gone. Why would I think she's not when she more than likely is gone?"

"These people, they lied to you for your entire lives, locked you in a room, and tried to bribe you to come back to the wretched lie and hell hole that is the school and city. What makes you think they wouldn't lie to you to get you to come back, expecting you to come back anyway only for you to push on and try to find answers?"

He gasps and looks at me, and I have an epiphany, my mom, the lady who raised me and claims love above all else, may have lied trying to get me to come back and be obedient so they could watch me progress... it was all a lie.

"We have to go back."

"You can't go back. Not yet. We have to keep you here for a few years, get them to believe you're gone for good. Your fake ID's should be here soon and as soon as they are, you'll be able to at least walk around the city and go shopping and do things normal teens do, but for a few years, you have to lie low and stay here."

All of us are fired up and ready fight but he has a point, we have to stay here and lie low until they either think we died or give up looking for us.

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