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A/N: This part may be a little confusing! It will be all jumping through time! So be mindful of this and try to follow as best you can, since it even confused me looking back on it for the revisions!

We finish our classes for the day and go out into the garden to sit together and have lunch, since Minho's grandma doesn't believe school should last longer than the morning time, we finished in a few hours. I keep looking at Seungmin, every chance I get I try to look at him without being caught. His shirt, I'm not sure what color it is, but it's definitely color. He caught me the last time I did it but he didn't say anything.

"Junhee, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just uhhh...."

Minho is looking at me with wild intrigue like he wants to hear me say I see the color on Seungmin's shirt. Seungmin noticed me staring too and is looking at me waiting for a response too.

"Seungmin got stuck in his shirt this morning and I had to pull it off him and I keep looking to make sure the poor baby isn't getting stuck in his clothes again."

His mouth flops open and Minho falls over laughing. Jisung lands at his side and Jeongin is clapping along while laughing silently, Hyunjin is gone, behind his chair at least rolling and holding his sides and even Chan cracks a smile and laughs at the comment. Seungmin looks me in the eyes and my eyes lock with his. I try not to do it but they flick down to his shirt and he gasps quietly. He knows. And I know he knows. He knows I know he knows and he stops and plays it off. He won't leave it alone forever though, I'll hear about it in our room later.


"Junhee... It's been a month and you're still denying it. Just... Please let me take you on one date? I promise I won't go overboard and I will plan it perfectly."

I sigh. He's been asking the last month to go on a date with me, we've been at Mrs. Lee's house for 3 months now and he finally got the courage to ask me out, but I deny it every time, I won't fall in love, I refuse, not without my best friend here to help me get through it. I guess, though, one date wouldn't kill me.

"Alright. Fine. One date, and no going overboard and no spending an excess of money on it."


Then I'm whisked away by Mrs. Lee's sister into my bedroom that I share with Seungmin.

"I'll have you ready in an hour, he wants it that way and told me everything he planned for the date. You're going to look beautiful and you're going to be dressed appropriately don't worry/"

An hour?! He already planned the date?! Well I mean I guess that makes sense since I've been turning him down for a month but still! Wait I've turned him down for a month and he kept persisting, at first I thought he figured out I could see the color of his shirt but I mistook that for something else, see he thought I was judging him, which I wasn't clearly.

An hour goes and I'm standing in a cute skirt matched with a nice crop top and a black mask and boots. I thought since he planned it already he would have gone overboard but from the outfit and makeup I'd say he didn't do anything insane. I walk down the driveway and onto the sidewalk where he's waiting for me.

"See, nothing too bad so far right?"

I smile and loop my arm around his since I've gotten close with him and the rest of the guys, this was a normal occurrence especially back when me and Minji were spending almost every waking moment with each other doing the same thing while walking in the park as kids. I'm normally a touchy person, but unless I know the person it's hands off for me. We walk farther and farther and the sun begins to disappear leaving only the city lights to surround us. The more time I've spent with Seungmin the more things I've began to see. The colors of lights has been a new one recently, and the city lights were beautiful, and even more so around Seungmin these days. I can finally see him in color, not black and white and he's very attractive, the more I do with him the more I see... It's so strange.

He turns and smiles at me, he clearly sees what I see but all the same he sees it with me. I did find out he only saw color once he met me, but I got it out of Chan who's so far kept the secret of colors for me. I have told him, just not the extent, I don't want to get him excited. Seungmin grabs my arm off of his and takes my hand in his, then pulls me behind him while we run down the sidewalk to a restaurant, a little hole in the wall ramen place.


"Seungmin! Stop it!"

He laughs and throws me into the water. I hit with a splash and swim back up and laugh. Then I swim over to him and drag him in with me. The pool at Minho's grandma's house is huge and it's the summer after our first year here. We've been preparing to go in and get Minji back, just me and Chan, but I've also been spending more and more time with Seungmin. He's taken me on a few more dates and has been very gentle and patient with me, I'm actually ready to say okay if he asks to be my boyfriend. He has no idea at this point that I not only see all the colors in the world, but I've learned them and his color... it's blue. Mine is purple, and the grass is green.

"Alright Junhee. I have something to ask you."

I turn and look at him while gently swinging my feet under me to keep me floating.

"Will you... tell me that you see colors finally?"

"Seungmin! Don't play with me like that, I thought you were going to ask something else."

I swim away faking upset but he grabs me and pulls me to him then drags me under water. I get turned to face him and sparks fly to my stomach when I realize he's pulling me in to kiss me. It was gentle and sweet, and we pop out of the water and I swim to the stairs to sit. I didn't say anything, my face just went red and I sat there. He kissed me!


"Alright Junhee. You know the plan."

I look at Chan and nod. My mask is pulled over most of my face and I'm wearing all black. This is the moment we take back my best friend and the love of his life, and the moment we get our answers. Whether this city likes it or not. I need her, he needs her, and she needs freedom to live her best life, and I need a bestie for a roommate not a boyfriend, as much as I adore him. I look at the looming door in front of me, and smile under my mask. This. This is the moment where we find out everything and get back what we lost.

A/N: I'm in a Discord server for KPop fans to congregate and hang out, the owners want to make it more active so I'm promoting it on my account for this week's updates ONLY! They want to hold in server concerts, comeback parties, stream parties, and RPG nights run by the mods! If you want to join here's the link:

It may not be a hyperlink, but it's also in my announcement, and if it's not linked there then shoot me a DM and I'll send you the link personally!

Have an amazing day/night and I'll see you guys again next week! ~Clown

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