Grey Fades

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We walk up the stairs together in silence, but I could tell he was happy about something, and I hate silence so, obviously, I had to break it.

"How was your last week of break?"

"Oh, it was nice, me and Changbin went and performed on a street side together, and then Jeongin and I went to a mall for the first time and got Boba Tea."

"That sounds like a lot of fun, I'm glad you did it and are happy about it."

"Did you do anything?"

I think back to my last week, Minji was busy planning out her first week of outfits for school even though it's a uniform so I didn't really hang out with her, I mostly sat in the back garden drawing for my seasonal art book, since it's summer I wanted to draw the yard this year, as the flowers had bloomed magnificently this spring and left the yard littered with beautiful wildflowers and clover grasses.

"Oh not much, I just did some drawing in the yard is all, Minji is particular and wanted to pick her first weeks worth of clothes all week... It's a uniform though so I don't understand what she was picking. Either way I did some drawing and a lot of sleeping."

"Ah, can I see what you drew?"

My seasonal art book is like a diary for me, I put all my emotion into the drawings that replicate what I see out in front of me, and the second I start seeing colors I want it reproduced into the book too. My parents even know how meaningful it is to me and have bought me nice colors for when I get there if I ever do. But no one has ever seen inside it other than me, not even Minji. Was I really going to let the first person to ever see inside my art book be a guy I bumped into at the store on my birthday? I didn't want it to be the case.

"I'm sorry Seungmin, but it's kind of like a journal for me, even Minji has never seen the things I draw."

"I completely understand, I'm the same way about my song book, I write music with all of my heart, all of us do out of the friend group, but I'm the only one who keeps it private, it's my feelings that I drop into it, and I want to keep that to myself."

He seems so serious, the look in his eyes is passion, a little glimmer shows through though. I want to draw him. He's so pretty himself, I hadn't noticed his good looks before, Hyunjin had distracted me too much. He looks at me staring at him and we stop walking for a second.

"You okay? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, you're good, I'm just admiring, from an artists view you have a really pretty face and smile, I was thinking of drawing you in the book too."

Why did I say so much again?! What got into me?! He smiles really huge and laughs a little, putting his hand on my head and starting to walk.

"Sorry, I don't know why I said so much."

"No no it's okay, it was kind of cute."

My face heats up so fast again, why am I being like this, why am I like this around him every time we run into each other. We finish the walk to the classroom and he pulls my arm into his and we walk in together arm in arm laughing at a dumb joke he made. We had a few people looking at us but then someone actually gasps.

"Seungmin and Junhee!"

"Hyunjin! Felix! We're in the same class! Heck yeah!"

I feel a rush of relief knowing now that there are a couple more people in our class that we know that way we don't look odd only hanging out together in school. We get to spend all day together now!

"Hey I heard that the rest of us are in a class together except for Chan and Minji, I heard those two got put into a special class."

They start giggling a bit like teen girls who heard a juicy rumor.

"Wait why? Did something happen to them?"

"I heard from Minho that they can see colors and it started the same day for both of them while they were talking to each other. I'm not too sure I want to believe that because Minho is known for gossip but that's what I heard from him."

My mouth drops open.

"No he's right guys, I was the first person to know about it, it was the day Chan, Seungmin, and Hyunjin went to the pool, I met them there."

They looked shocked.

"You didn't think to tell us?"

"Sorry Felix, I was so shocked myself I didn't know what to do after that. Though I can't really blame her Chan is an amazing person and super handsome."

"Hey! What about us?"

"You guys, from and artists point of view, are very good looking yourselves."

I hear footsteps coming behind me. They grab my shoulder and jerk me around to look at me in the face.

"It really is her! Look guys! She thinks she's so special now and thinks she can talk to cute guys just because her bestie got into the special class with one of their friends!"

A group of girls at the front start laughing. Shin Minha, local school bully for my entire life. Her and her little group of friends have been picking on me and Minji since we were in grade school first year, I try to ignore them when they do it but the laughter and pain echoes in my head, they make fun of me, dump things on me, kick me, write horrible things on my desk, and once they even filled my locker with glitter. She's the queen bee though and always leads the pack in the horrible actions.


Seungmin stood up and points at her. I try to grab his shirt to pull him down but he just looks down at me with soft eyes, and I put my hand down.

"Who? Me? You want to talk to me after you were just seen talking to that disgusting pig? She looks way under your level anyway I can't blame you for showing an interest in someone with my looks. I even smell better than her."

I put my head down to hide my teary eyes, all of the years of pent up emotions start boiling inside me and I'm not sure if I want to rip her hair out or cry, but my body decides that for me. Hyunjin comes over to my side and Felix stands up to hold back Seungmin.

"I agree."

Seungmin's voice goes cold and dead.

"I agree. You are pretty. But at least Junhee has a personality that's likeable. She is nice, so what you lack in personality you have caked on top of your natural face. You really think us guys wouldn't notice? Here, I have some wipes in case you want to prove me wrong."

She steps back in shock but then I hear her wail as loud as well a whale, and she runs out of the classroom. Seungmin sits back down obviously shaken and angry and puts his arm over my shoulder while Hyunjin sits back down behind me and Felix behind him.

"It's going to be okay, we're here for you."

I swear that broke me and my whole body starts shaking from crying. He pulls my face up to look at him, and this time, things look a little less grey.

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