A few days later

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A few days had passed, and Grian was working on his base. His and Scar's base, to be precise. He could hear the meowing of the Jellies outside, and the sound of Scar comforting them. When Grian had refused the cats hospitality, Scar had shoved them all into a big hole in the ground, promising them that he would make a beautiful enclosure for them. Sure enough, Grian could see that Scar had been grinding for resources. He suddenly hear a low rumble of thunder in the distance- he had been so busy watching Scar that he didn't notice the sky turn grey. Speaking of the tall man, Grian saw that he had just finished building a temporary roof over the Jellie hole and was now wheeling himself back inside at top speed. Grian sighed and, stretching his parrot wings, he plopped down onto his red bed, ignoring Scar shouting his name from downstairs.

He was daydreaming about Mumbo again, and didn't notice Scar wheeling himself into Grian's room, his short, sudden breaths foreshadowing a panic attack. He transferred himself from the wheelchair to Grian's bed with his muscular tan arms and sat next to the short man. Grian looked up at him: his (Scar's) scarred face was crinkled into an expression as if he was about to cry. His breathing was unsteady, rattling in his chest, and, without any warning, he embraced Grian.

Grian was frozen in shock, but, remembering his friend was about to suffer from a panic attack, he patted him with some difficulty (as he was much shorter that Scar). The tall brunette's breathing slowed down, and became steady again.

After a couple of minutes, Scar regained his composure and let go of Grian who looked up at him, sapphire blue eyes meeting emerald green. The tall man blushed furiously and dragged himself back into his wheelchair.
'Grian- I'm so, so sorry- it's just that... I'm scared of storms...', cried Scar, retreating. He knew Grian had a thing for Mumbo, and didn't want to upset him further.
'No, Scar, it's okay. You can stay with me until the storm is over.', said Grian, beckoning for Scar to come back. Gratefully, he did and another deep blush passed over his face as he wheeled himself closer to Grian.

{Scar's POV}

As I moved closer to Grian, I started blushing again, failing miserably at hiding it. I was so happy that we were soulmates: this was my chance to get closer to him! I decided to start by nonchalantly asking him, 'Grian, do you still like Mumbo?'. No, no, no. That was the worst possible thing I could ask him. It would just increase the tension, which was so thick Jellie could cut through it with a flick of her tail. My people skills were great, but not with Grian. How about,'Hey Gri, do you like anyone?'. Yeah, that was better. I wheeled myself even closer and asked.

{Grian's POV}

When he asked me that question, my heart felt as if it was being torn apart. 'Yeah, I do.', I sighed. 'Can I guess who?', asked Scar. 'Sure, as a hint let me tell you that THEY'RE NOT ON THIS SERVER!', I sobbed. Through the haze of tears, I could just make out Scar looking at me, concern on his scarred face. Are you OK, Grian?', he asked. 'Yeah, I'm fine, just guess who.', I muttered.
Ummmm, okay. Pearl?' I  shook my head. 'Cleo?' I shook my head again. 'Stress?' Wrong again. 'Okay, is it Gem then?' Nope.

{Omniscient narrator}

Scar pretended to be surprised. 'So you're gay then?' Grian nodded. 'You never told me! Okay, so who is it?', asked Scar, already knowing the answer. 'Mumbo', murmured Grian. He let out another sob and rolled over on the bed, weeping. Scar automatically wheeled himself right to the edge of the bed and patted Grian, running his fingers through the man's fluffy blonde hair, and rubbing his feathery wings. Grian found this strangely comforting, and let himself fall asleep, while the storm raged outside and Scar stroked his wings.

{Grian's dream/ flashback}

He blushed nervously, texting Mumbo on his cherry-red communicator.

Hey, Mumbo, can you come over? I have something very important to tell you.

Sure, Grian! I'll be there in 5!

He breathed deeply. This was it. It was now or never. He heard a knock at the door and ran over to it, opening it to reveal a wild Mumbo Jumbolio. 'Hey Mumbo and welcome to my humble rock', he said, and they both burst out laughing. 'What did you want to tell me, Grian?', asked the moustache man. Grian blushed and said hesitantly,'I'm... gay.'
'Oh, that's nice! Who do you like?', replied his friend. 'You, Mumbo. I love you.', whispered Grian and stared into his eyes, sapphire blue meeting dark brown. His tricolour wings flapped slightly in anticipation, and Mumbo sighed.'Grian... I- I don't know what to say... I- I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way, Grian', said Mumbo, emphasising that fact that he's straight, and, without another word, flew away to his vault.

{Scar's POV}

I was watching Grian sleep (I promise not in a creepy way), admiring how cute he was. His small, frail figure clad in oversized baggy clothes appeared even smaller in sleep, with a head of fluffy blonde hair and tricolour wings. Suddenly, he began to writhe and squirm, tears pouring out of his eyes onto his adorable face. 'Mumbo... Mumbo... don't leave please- I love you...'
He wailed. I stroked Grian's head in an attempt to comfort him when Grian sat up, half awake. 'Not Mumbo', he murmured. 'Scar. I love Scar'

Hey guys, I wrote all of this last night in my notebook and kinda just copied it out. It might take me a long time to get chapters out since I'm away from home and am typing this on my phone
Also, it's Jellie's birthday today! Happy birthday Jellie!!!
~19:35 Friday 19th August 2022

1006 words

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