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Grian's POV

I felt so bad... 
I had hurt the sweetest, kindest, prettiest person I knew, and that was something I couldn't forgive myself for. Saying goodbye to BigB, I stretched my wings and flew across the map, over the Jellie hole to the spiky cake fort. Passing by the window, I saw Scar, his face pressed into a pillow, his body softly shaking between muffled sobs. Guilt made me stop, and I fell to the floor with a loud crunch. 

'Ouch! What the heck- why did Grian do that?', I heard Scar's [hot, deep] voice saying from the window above. 'It feels like my spine is broken- ah well, at least I don't need to worry about my legs being paralysed because they already are 🤪' [I'm sorry I had to I couldn't resist]

I stood up, and took a bite out of one of the carrots I had in my inventory. My legs started aching less, and I could feel my vertebrae clicking back into place. Perfect. Walking around the fort, I spotted the entrance and walked in, hoping to apologise to Scar then get to bed.


There was only one bed...
And since it was night... I couldn't kill a sheep for wool-



Still Grian's POV

I walked up the stairs, softly. Halfway through, I stopped. Let's not wake him up now, I thought, and just find a place to sleep. 

Walking back down the stairs, I searched my inventory. No wool. What else could I sleep on? 
Then it hit me.

The Jellies. 

Why not? They were soft, fluffy, chonky cats and they seemed to like me. Their little pen, or as we liked to call it [in memory of their original home], the Jellie hole, was nice and clean. Yes, that sounded perfect. I could crash with them until I had gotten my own bed, which should hopefully be tomorrow. [oh, how wrong you are, Grian]
I hopped down the last few steps careful not to take any more damage, and stepped outside, the cool night air ruffling my wing feathers. Reaching backwards I smoothed them down, a shudder running down my spine at the touch. [HE IS NOT HORNY PLEASE DON'T BRING ACTUAL BIRD BIOLOGY INTO THIS]

Right. All of the Jellies were curling up against each other, some of them already snoring, soft little noises coming out of their snoots. I hopped over the fence, and made myself comfortable alongside them in a little patch of moss. The Jellie closest to me opened one eye, and, upon seeing me, stood up and let out a little purr of joy. Around her, the other Jellies also stirred, and, noticing me, padded over, curling up around me, all purring.


Scar's POV

I woke up with my head pounding. Why- what the heck-
Then the memories of what happened last night came flooding back. The betrayal. The hurt it has caused me felt like a fresh wound, a deep stab wound.

Wait a second-

Where the heck had he been sleeping? There was only one bed, and neither of us had the materials to make a new one-
Sighing, I hopped into my wheelchair and wheeled it down the stairs, looking around for the little man in the red jumper. Not able to see him in any of the other rooms, I sped outside. I looked around, losing hope, but then I spotted it. A flash of red amongst the Jellies. I slowly moved closer to get a better look at him, while trying not to wake anyone up. He looked so cute, curled up amongst the large cats, his light hair messily covering his eyes and his arms splayed outwards. 

Smiling, I wheeled myself away, to make something to eat. Cookies! Hmm... cookies!! Yes! They sounded really nice right now...


Grian's POV

My eyes slowly opened, and I looked around, a bit confused. What was happening? Why was I with the Jellies?



My face burned red-hot with shame. I had hurt him. The sweetest person on the server. I really needed to apologise. Getting up, I patted each of the Jellies on the head in turn, earning myself soft little meows and purrs, then I left the enclosure and entered the cake fort, flying up the stairs. I could smell something nice... cookies?. Poking my head around the door frame confirmed my suspicions. Scar was making cookies.

There was a cloud of flour in the air, making me sneeze. Oops. Scar turned around, his face brightening when he saw me.
'Hey Grian! Come here, I need you to see if these cookies taste good.'
'Look- Scar- I'm sorry for what happened yesterday- I-', I stuttered trying to reply.
'Shush. Try this'

But before I could reply, he had broken off a piece of cookie and put it in my protesting mouth. His index finger brushed against my lip, and for a moment, a crazy moment, I wanted him to keep it there. 
I bit down on the cookie, and chewed.
'Oh my god- this is amazing, Scar!'
His face a shade redder than it had been before, he replied, 'Thanks! Cookies are my speciality!'
Giggling, I replied, 'Well, I can see that! I still need to talk to you though.'
'About what?', he asked, with a puzzled expression on his face, tilting his head to one side. Oh my god, he looked so adorable doing that, like a little puppy.
'Yesterday. I- I'm sorry. I didn't want to be your soulmate so I- I went to BigB and we became secret soulmates.'

His face darkened, the smile fading.

'I- we broke it off though- I realised that- that I didn't want that, and that I wanted to be your soulmate. I'm so sorry, Scar. I completely understand if you don't want to be my soulmate anymore. I-'

'Shut up.'
I looked at him. His face was still serious and unsmiling, but he had a mischievous glint in his eye. What was this little fucker planning?

'I said, shut up. I don't want to hear that from you, you hear me? Don't apologise like that.'
I looked at him, puzzled. What was happening? Was he angry at me?

Then I noticed the smile making its way across his face. He reached forward and put his hand on my face, his skin soft and warm against mine. 'Listen. It's alright, Grian. Don't apologise.


Scar's POV

When I put my hand on his face, he went red. As red as that jumper he always wears. Hmm. I leaned in, putting my other hand on the other side of his face. Our faces were close, our lips almost touching.
'Grian', I breathed, my lips brushing against his as I spoke.'You're not very good at hiding your blushing.'

His face grew redder, and I could feel my face heating up ever so slightly. I moved away, and, in a loud voice, said, 'Right, about those cookies...'


Hey guys!

Yes, I am back!! Sorry for not updating since January :'). I was pretty busy with school, but now the holidays are here! I will try to write more chapters for you guys as compensation.

~word count: 1178

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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