Chapter five

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I wake up to the sound of a phone ringing. It's not mine because my ringtone is Pony, duhh.

I look up in confusion to see a sleeping Kyle with his screen flashing me.

YES. There is a picture of a naked blonde standing in a mirror with her tongue out on a girl name Cam's caller id. I send it to voicemail before a message from the same girl flashes on the screen. "Hey you, you still up for those drum lessons you promised me?" My heart is feeling some type of way right now. I put the phone back where it was and tap the sleeping bear on my couch. He groans and says with closed eyes, "Isabella, babes. Stop waking me up so early."


"Why do I have to leave so soon? It's only 5 and I have no plans?" Kyle says as I force him out my house with no explanation. When he is out the door, I smile at him and say, "I won't be needing your drum lessons anymore. Maybe you could teach Isabella or Cams to replace me." I say, giving him a disgusted face before quickly slamming the door in his pretty face.

I am currently with Jazz. He's the only hot guy friend I have so I use him to get attention or in this case make someone jealous. Kyle is performing at the mall with his band in a few minutes so I am going to go and make him feel like the sore loser he is. Perv..

I find myself in the 2nd row, looking up on the stage with my hood on so he wouldn't see me until the middle of his performance. We have not spoken since sunday when I slammed the door in his face. He has called and texted several times but I have ignored him. Now, let me get something straight. I don't care if he text girls, we're not dating. But the fact that A, he had nudes as somebody's caller id and B, the whole 'teach you to drum' thing was a pick up line pissed me off.

They start playing and I'm sitting Jazz's shoulder. Towards the middle is when I take my hood off. I look down at Jazz who is looking up at me and we are smiling like we want to have passionate sex with each other, as planned. Jazz goes to lean in and I follow and right on cue when we are about to lock lips, a drum stick drops, stopping the whole thing. I smirk and look up to see Kyle shooting daggers at me and Jazz with his eyes. I jump off his shoulder's and grab his hand, running out of the crowd with him. We run all the way to the food court before we sit down and laugh at what just occured.

Jazz stops laughing unexpectedly as he looks behind me. I gulp and turn around to see Kyle with a drumstick in his hand, madness in his eyes. He is also with the bass guitarist. They both go in different directions around the table and they sit on either side of Jazz who feels intimidated. "Here is how it is going down. You are going to sit here and listen to my dude Kyle speak or your boyfriend gets hit with a drumstick by Kyle or I'll pull that little Justin Bieber with a fade type hairstyle off his head with my bare, undefeated hands." Thew guitarist grumbles. He then smiles, making me feel less intimidated and says, "Hi, I'm Jason."

"Okay, so let me get this straight? You told your slightly younger sister about me and our date so she decided it be funny to change her name to Cam on your phone, change the photo to a porn staar's very sexy nudes, and call you and text you asking for drum lessons?And her name is...?" I ask, taking in all this information I was just givin.

"Isabella. And she can not wait to apologize to you." He says, smiling. "Jeez, I didn't even know Patrick and Spongebob had kids." I say, sighing.

"Well, our mother was a whore so what did you expect?"

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