Chapter Three

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I walk into Mr.Star's music store. He's such a nice gay man. As soon as gay marriage was legal he got married ASAP to his mate, Spongebob. They are so cute together.

When I walk in I see the shop is empty but there is a crack in the back door so I go over and look in to see Mr.Patrick and a familiar looking back, argueing. "I don't want to teach some little girl you think I would like. I want to teach this girl who I actually do think is pretty cool and kinda like. Come on, dad!" I didn't know Pat had a son.

"Look, Kyle. This girl has wanted to learn to play the drums since she was 5. She is just like you when it comes to not being able to stay still. Please do me this solid." Kyle?

I come from behind the door and clear my throat so they would know I was here. "Jess?!" Kyle says, staring at me.

"Jessica, dear! We were just talking about how glad my son here is to meet you." Mr.Patty says. That was his nickname when he taught kids to play the guitar a while back.

"Yes, your son here seemed thrilled to work with me!" I say, hint the sarcasm. I look at Kyle once again to see a huge smile on his face. "Dad! This is the girl I was talking to you about! The one I wanted to teach how to play!" He says to Pat.

"Well, now you get to teach her. Behave young man and if he trys anything stupid, hit him with a drum stick. It's his weakness." Pat says before leaving.

"So, let's get to playing." I say, smiling at Kyle.


It was 8 in the evening when I decided to walk home. On the way, my mind was clouded with thoughts about this lovely day. Kyle was such a good teacher. Whoever knew I would like a teacher. Especially one with tight jeans and excessively curly hair.

When I arrive at my house I am met by emptiness and a note on the wall saying, "Gone for 3 weeks, your aunt went into labor. Jessicob will be staying at his place but will come and check on you every few days and call alot." I check my phone to see 2 messages from Jessicob and Kyle.

I check Jess' message first which says "I'll call you every morning and night and won't dare step in that death trap.. Xoxo, gossip thot"

I then check Kyle's message which says, "thnx 4 the lovely, can't wait to see you again". I smile and reply with a,

"How does tomorrow at 7 sound?"

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