Chapter 5 You Saved Me

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--------- Harry's POV -------

I waited for Shelby to come out while i got us something to drink after i got them i turned around and my eyes widened at the sight a man was forcfully kissing Shelby she tried to push away but she couldn't

I rushed over to them as my anger rised every second that was passing

" Let go of her" i demanded

the man looked at me grinning he was drunk but that was no excuse i loved Shelby and no one can kiss her except me

He pushed Shelby to the ground and she passed out i raised my hand punched him as hard as i could my fist glided against his cheek and blood appearing from his mouth i did a roundhouse kick and he fell to the floor.

" never touch MY GIRL again " i screamed

i picked up Shelby bridle style and brought her to the car and drove her to my house.

----------Shelby's POV -----------

I woke up feeling sweaty everywhere around my body

I was in someones bed . I quikly sat up worried where i was

i was breathing fast and my heart was pounding against my chest. i looked around the room and nothing looked familiar was i kidnapped did someone rape me what happened where am i quistions flooded my head but all came crashing back into my mind

Harry inviting me to go to the club with him

Harry getting us a drink while i went to the bathroom

me getting kissed by a random dude

and passing out after hearing a familiar voice

that's it why can't i remember anything else how did i get here where am i. i looked under the covers and saw that i was still wearing my clothes from yesterday, but that doesn't change the fact that i'm in an unfimliar place.

I started crying loudly full out sobbing actually. all of a sudden i felt two strong arms hugging me from behind. i started panicking and punched them in the chest.

" Let go of me" i screamed at them and continued crying in sorrow

" shh love it's ok its only me Harry, everything's fine i swear please stop crying " he whispered in my ear

i slowly calmed down from sobbing to just small hiccups

after fully calming down i wiped my now tear stained face and smiled gratefully at Harry before hugging him. i burried my face into his shoulder, smelling the fresh scent of his cologne

At that moment I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and looking at his body I looked up at him and saw him smirking

" sorry " I mumbled

" its alright love" he chuckled

" Harry what happened" i asked still hugging him

" well when we got to the club this guy came up to you and started kissing you harshly and you passed out so i brought you here to my house." he said

" thanks for saving me" i said hugging him tighter and kissed his cheek while he turned bright red

" you know i would never let anyone hurt you, I'll always be there to protect you " he whispered pulling me closer into his chest so there was no gap between us as I laid my head against his exposed chest that was slowly rising and falling and the sound of his heart beat was all I could hear

my heart swelled knowing how grateful i am to have someone like Harry i stayed a little longer then expected in his arms, somehow i feel complete with him near me. I never knew why his arms were so warm and inviting, like i belonged in them.

later Harry took me home that day, and explained to my parants what happened the night before. My parants were so happy that Harry was there with me and nothing bad happened. My dad came up to me worried and put his arms around my shoulder like he was afraid to let his little girl out of his sight.

" i better go now it's getting dark" Harry said once my parants left us to talk. he turned around and was about to walk out but i caught his arm

" stay the night please Harry " i begged showing him my best puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. which were really great.

Harry agreed without a second thought looking at my parants for thier answer. They were ok since they knew him far to much, they let him and he led me upstairs to my room.

" no funny business you too" my dad yelled really dad did you have to do that.

i blushed and lowered my head to cover it.

" your so adorable when you blush ya know" he chuckled, putting his arms around me makeing me blush more

Me and Harry cuddled in peace in my bed. his hand was around my waist and the the other one was playing with the locks of my hair.

it was so quit that he thought i was asleep and the words i never thought that would come out of his mouth was finally said





" I love you" he whispered


it was dark outside when i woke up and i was still wrapped around Harry's warm embrace. i look up being met with his eyes closed. his lashes were so long and his lips were slightly opened and his breath was hitting against my forhead softly.

I enjoyed being in his arms and I started thinking of Harry being more then just friends to me. My hearbeat quickened thinking of how he would treat me like and the things we would do as a couple.

" Shelby why are you staring at me like that" his scratchy voice spoke. snapping me out of my thought and back to reality.

" u-uh there's something on your cheek" i stuttered a lie. i brought my hands to his cheek, brushing it to make my lie more belivable.

Harry stared at my lip while i brushed his cheek. I stopped and looked into his green eyes which were glued to my lips. we started leaning in closer to each other where our lips were centimeter away from touching my heart was rapidly beating against my chest, I could hear Harry's loud thumping heart beating just for me.

Our lips were about to touch but....

" guys dinners ready" my mom yelled makeing us pull away. shit so close

things got awkward between us and no conversations were spoken as we walked down to the dinning room. It was absolutly quit between us the only one's talking were my parants they were talking while we just played with our food and Harry looking very distant.

" are things alright between the two of you" my mom asked looking very concerened at the two of us.

" Yeah " we both said simultaniously i looked at him and he did the same to me his expression was unreadable. Like something was clouding his thoughts

dinner went by and Harry had to go back to his House so i walked with him to his car and still there was no talking between us.

" well Uh- " we both started but laughed at ourselves

" um you first" he said

" well u-uh I'de like to thank you again for you know saveing me" i said awkwardly looking at the ground

" I would have saved you a million times Shelby anything for a very beutiful girl" He replied smiling cheekily

i started blushing instintaly Harry lifted up my chin and looked into my eyes and i looked into his.

" you know your really cute when you blush" he said laughing a little

" so what were you going to say" i asked changeing the subject

" well i was going to say that i I ..." he said


So what is Harry going to say to Shelby ;)

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