Chapter 9 Who Do You Love

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------ Shelby's POV --------

" Shelby come on we're going to be late" Harry yelled

" alright Harry I'm coming" I said

Alright so you might be wondering what is happening right now with all the yelling. Well the guys had a interview today and for some reason Harry wanted me to come with him I just finished getting ready and it only took me 20 minutes and Harry is yelling at me to hurry up

I walked downstairs and saw Harry leaning against the doorway damn he looks hot.

" took you long enough " he said

" says the guy who takes 30 minutes to do his hair " I said.

" hey I have to make myself look attractive thousands of people are going to see me today and I gotta look my best Shelby " he said

" well I have to wear my make up or I look ugly and everyone would hate me" I said looking down at the ground

He came towards me and looked me in the eye

" Shelby don't say that your beautiful without or with make up your perfect just the way you are " he said

I started blushing and looked into his beautiful green eyes which were sparkling

" now come on or were going to be late " he said and ran out of the house

Wow nice job ruining the moment

We got into the car and soon stopped at a large building and we walked inside

I sat in the front row seat and the boys walked up on the stage

And then the show started and another man came out

" hello my name is Phil thunderman and today we have five amazing young men for our show today please welcome ...... The one and only ... One direction" Phil said

And the boys sat down on a purple couch as everyone clapped.

They all introduced themselves and the show began

" so first question is who's single and who's taken" Phil asked

And zayn and niall and harry said they were single

" so louis your dating Eleanor Calder is that correct"

" yes its true and she's the best girlfriend in the world" louis said and the crowed aww'ed

" that's cute and liam we have heard that you were dating a girl named Sophia smith are the rumors true" Phil asked

" yes it is she's my girlfriend and she makes me really happy " he said

" alright now the three single boys so Zayn do you have a crush on anyone " Phil asked

" yeah I do she's really pretty and very kind and I wanted to ask her out soon " Zayn said

" now what about you niall " Phil asked and niall cheeks were turning bright red

" um yeah there is a girl I like but I'm not telling you who it is" he said.

" now Harry What about you " Phil asked

" well there is this one girl " Harry said and instintally my heart broke

" oh really tell me more" Phil said

" well I have known her for a long time and I kinda like her more then friends and I want to ask her out but I'm afraid that she won't like me back" Harry said

Well who ever that girl is she's really lucky if Harry was my boyfriend I won't reject him

" that's so sweet Harry if you love her you should tell her how you feel or you won't know how she truly feels about you and right now she could be in love with you ask her before its to late." Phil said

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