Chapter 2: Vacation (Edited)

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-------- Shelby P.O.V.-------

I fluttered my eyes open as I felt the plane slowly land. Well that was a good nap. I was about to get up when I noticed that I was leaning against someone while I was sleeping. I looked at who it was and it was Harry. I instantly blushed and got off. Good thing he was asleep and didn't notice, or I would have been blushing for ages if that happened.

Everyone was about to get off so I was about to wake up Harry but when I was about to shake him... I got the most brilliant idea ever. Time to get revenge for dumping water all over me.

I evilly smiled to myself and was ready to do it.

I came closer to his ear and screamed
" Wake up Harry"

He woke up immediately and jolted out of his seat, but his seatbelt was restraining him and he ended up hurting his private part

Revenge is sweet

I started laughing uncontrollably when I saw his face from all the pain

" Ow! That hurt, why did you do that Shelby!? " He said angrily at me

" That's for messing with me in the airport" I said and gave him a dirty look and left while he just rolled his eyes and got off the plane too.

Both of our families drove off to the hotel and checked in and my dad assigned the rooms

Guess who he partnered me with. Harry! Ahh why can't my dad understand anything and why does Harry have to ruin everything in my life.

" Dad y....." I whinned but got cut off by him

" Shelby remember what I said" he told me and went to my mom

I looked over at Harry and glared at him while he smirked. I turned around and went to the fifth floor where our room was.

I walked in and I looked at the bed angrily there was only one bed and I had to share it with him. I face palmed myself and threw my bags to the corner of the bed. Oh why did I agree on coming here?

I took off my shoes and jumped in and started to take a nap to forget about everything. What can I say, I love sleeping.

-----------Shelby's P.O.V. --------------

I woke up once again and looked at the time and it has been one hour since I fell asleep but what I noticed was a note on the table. I got up and picked the note up to read it.

Shelby everyone is down at the beach

- dad

oh great everyone left without me. I got up and looked around the room, and that's when I saw Harry's duffle bag on the floor but he was no where in sight.

I went over to my bag and took out my bikini and some pink shorts and a neon green crop top and got changed and took my headphones and phone and went down to the beach

Once I got there, I looked for everyone but no one that I knew was there, so I took my phone out and called my mom but she didn't answer and neither did my dad

I called Harry's parents but they didn't pick up either

I called his sister but she didn't answer, Goddamn where did everyone go and why can't they just pick up there stupid phones.

I didn't have any choice other then to call Harry or stay here

Well lets see stay here or call Harry?

Stay here or call Harry, I contemplated in my head

You know what, I'll stay here

I went over to a chair and layed down, sunbathing while I listened to music

By the time it was noon, no one came yet I started getting worried. So I took out my phone and called the jerk.

Oh and he answers seriously everyone doesn't pick up but he does

" Hello" he said happily

" Hey Harry, where are you guys?" I asked

"Oh I'm doing great, thank you so much for asking Shelby. Your so thoughtful" Harry snickered

"Harry, answer the question and I'll be even more thoughtful by letting you live if you tell me where our parents are.

" Sheesh calm down, our parent are out shopping and its really far away from here" He said, oh great!

" And where are you" I asked

" oh I'm at the ice cream shop with Gemma across from the hotel" he said.

" Alright Harry, I'll meet you there" I said and hung up

Finally I found one of them and I rushed to the hotel

" Shelby over here" Harry said and I turned around and smiled after finally seeing someone.

I crossed the street and went to him and Gemma

" Hey Harry" I said with a little smile

" Hey Shelby " he said and smiling back

" Want an ice cream, i'll buy it for you " he asked wow whats gotten into him he is acting so nice to me

" Sure" I said and he went off to get me one leaving me and Gemma together

five minuetes later he came back and handed me my ice cream and I was surprised

" How did you know this is my favorite" I asked him

" Shelby, I knew you my whole life when ever our parents took us to get ice cream you always got chocolate with rainbow sprinkles" he said and I smiled at him again

"Hey Shelby, I just got a text from mom and they said to go to the hotel cause it's getting late" I nodded and he took my hand and we went back to the hotel

We dropped of Gemma at her room and then me and Harry went back to our room

I walked in and I noticed that me and Harry were still holding hands and I started to blush again... Gosh somethings never change, me and Harry would always hold hands too when we went anywhere. Even thought he was rude and obnoxious sometimes, he would still guide me and make me comfortable whenever we were with unknown people.

I guess he noticed and pulled away and blushed too. Oh god, now its gonna get awkward

" Uh. I'm going to go take a shower" he nodded and hopped into bed

I went to the bathroom and took of my clothes and hopped into the shower. After 20 minuetes I came out and put on my pajamas and went to the bed and found Harry peacefully sleeping

Aww thats so cute, I took out my phone and took a picture and posted it on twitter before I layed on my bed and fell asleep.


next chapter coming tommorow

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